Maldorini Airdrop Crypto Mining app. Big project.

27 Dec 2023

Maldorini (Maldo) is a new digital currency. This app serves as a wallet to host your Maldorini digital currency. It also allows you to grow and access your Maldorini holdings. Maldorini is an eco-friendly and fairly distributed digital currency. It is both user and resource friendly and it does not consume much of your device battery power or internet data. This app does not mine the Maldorini digital currency on your device, it is just a remote manager/virtual miner for mining the Maldorini digital currency.
according to searches across the web, their official presale countdown is set to be 1st of Feb. 2024 and their official market launch to be 1st of March. 2024.
for both iPhone and Android users you can visit this page to get started
Starter Reward is 3 MLD 
🪤Invite Code: Om96196281834Ad 

Strong Twitter Maldorini Twitter:

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Note: we are crypto hunters, always ensure to DYOR properly before engaging in any airdrop we or anyone proposed. And every airdrop we proposed are with no fees, if at all some airdrops needed gas fees, it will be communicated via the post.
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