Kraken’s Potential Layer 2 Development and Coinbase’s Influence

12 Nov 2023

From the controversies in decentralized governance to the potential of decentralized data in Web3, this coverage delves into layer 2 developments and zero-knowledge proofs providing a glimpse into the promising future of blockchain and its ongoing evolutio

In this installment of "The Protocol," hosts Brad Keoun, the founding editor of The Protocol Newsletter, and tech journalists Sam Kessler and Margaux Nijkerk, explore the following stories:
Arbitrum Research Pitch
A proposed coalition of professional researchers could help "accelerate decision-making" at the Ethereum layer-2 project, but complaints have surfaced over the cost and potential conflicts of interest.
The Graph Q&A
The Graph, a protocol for indexing and querying data stored on blockchains, plans to add AI-assisted querying with large language models as part of a suite of new features disclosed Tuesday.
PROTOCOL VILLAGE SEGMENT: Margaux’s scoop on Kraken plus the latest on L2s (Including Nil)
The crypto exchange is still considering which blockchain developer should build its network, with Polygon, Matter Labs and the Nil Foundation in the mix, according to people familiar with the situation. Rival crypto exchange Coinbase blazed the trail with Base.

CONSENSUS 2024 by Coindesk
Secure your $109 Developer Pass today and join us in Austin May 29-31 to explore the epicenter of blockchain innovation at Consensus. This is where the top blockchains show off their latest advancements, share their detailed roadmaps, dive deep with technical workshops, and forecast the next wave of innovation. Don’t wait! These passes are limited.

The Protocol has been produced and edited by senior producer Michele Musso and our executive producer is Jared Schwartz. Our theme song is “Take Me Back” by Strength To Last

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