SynonymFinance Potential Testnet Airdropđź’µ

9 Jan 2024

Participate in SynonymFinance testnet campaign, provide feedback and get rewarded with $SYNO
đź”·Cost $0
đź”·Time: 20mins
đź”·Airdrop confirmed
đź”·Contracts audited by both OtterSec and RuntimebVerification
What is Synonym Finance?
Synonym Finance is a cross-chain money market that enables true cross-chain collateralisation and flexibility powered by Wormholecrypto.
Testnet Guide⬇️
This campaign is in two parts
-Social quest
-On-chain testing quest
For social quest:
1. Complete simple social media tasks on galxe( go to and seach synonym finance)
2.Get syndicate role on discord
Now we move to on-chain testing quest:
To use synonym finance testnet, first you will need goerli ETH on arbitrum for gas, then on optimiam and eth too.
If you have them already, skip to the next step
what you need to do:
- Wrap ETH
- Supply wETH
- Borrow USDC
- Repay the debt
- Withdraw Supply
- Supply ETH to optimism Goerli
That it All for now if you like this blog never forget to follow like and share I will be posting details blog soon with video so you can easily understand.

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