
7 Jun 2023

On that faithful day, I got a gift that I know I will never be able to repay, just as God descended to announce the recent gifting of one of his angels.

I had no idea that this would serve as a test to convince him that I was meant to have this angel in my life.

To keep her always and never let go
To be there to take her anguish away, to see her through the hardest days, and to impart strength-building lessons along the road.

One day, a buddy of mine told me that God had just given me the gift of time.
I questioned him for clarification because I was perplexed.
And what he said stuck in my mind forever...

Watch her while she sleeps, he said.
When she is by my side, whether in my arms or in my dreams, it is then so obvious to witness how TIME STANDS STILL.

now observing how you develop every day
The way your features change from head to toe, your glowing grins and giggles, and the way you let your spirit shine through.

So I'll promise you right now that I'll do my best to raise you, that I'll instill in you a sense of self-assurance and pride, and that you'll always stand out
from the crowd.

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