What is ICE Network? Let's Learn About ICE Tokens

16 Jan 2024

In today's article, CryptoDemon News will help everyone learn about the ICE Network project, its operating mechanism, and learn about the ICE token.

What is ICE Network?

- Ice Network introduces an innovative digital currency project that users can leverage for free through their smartphones. Built upon a reliable community growing in numbers, Ice Network aims to demonstrate the enduring value of digital currencies, showcasing their versatility across various use cases.
-Ice Network operates on a decentralized governance model, where every user holds the right to influence the network's development direction, and validators possess decentralized voting power.
-Ice Network also incorporates various novel features such as Mining, Slashing, Day-Off, Resurrection, and additional Bonus
functionalities based on user activities, bringing a range of new and exciting elements to the platform.
According to OKX's latest announcement, this exchange has officially announced the listing of ICE.

Product of ICE Network

Decentralized Digital Identity - IceID:
The IcelD service serves as the fundamental pillar of ION services, conceived as a secure, private, and self-sovereign tool. It empowers users to engage in meaningful digital interactions and even execute legally binding actions with real-world consequences. ION's approach to decentralizing identity management aims to grant users accelerated control over their personal information, thereby elevating their privacy.

  • Decentralized Social Media-IceConnect: This is a decentralized social networking platform born to solve all the problems of centralized social networking platforms such as: Data Ownership, Censorship, Privacy Concerns, Limited Access Control. Besides, IceConnect also shows a vision of the future of social interactions - decentralized, user-centric and free from unwarranted surveillance and control.
  • Decentralized Proxy & Content Delivery Network - IceNet: IceNet, a breakthrough solution, bridges the spirit of decentralization and the centralized performance that users are familiar with. Based on the powerful foundation of TON Proxy, IceNet introduces advanced functions that prioritize content delivery speed without sacrificing the principles of a centralized system while still benefiting from the security and transparency of a decentralized network central.
  • Decentralized Storage - IceVault: IceVault is built on TON Storage's powerful architecture, inheriting its distributed file storage capabilities. At its core, TON Storage's design ensures data availability and redundancy by fragmenting files into encrypted chunks and distributing them across a large network of nodes. This sharding process ensures that even if part of the nodes become unavailable, the data remains intact and can be retrieved from the remaining active nodes.
  • Decentralized Database - IceQuery: As applications evolve in complexity and scale, the underlying supporting database must progress accordingly. Traditional database architectures, while robust and well-understood, inherently tend to be centralized, posing numerous challenges in the context of a decentralized world. IceQuery, a decentralized database solution, directly addresses these challenges by providing innovative solutions.

Introducing ICE tokens

Basic information

  • Asset name: Ice
  • Ticker: ICE

Token Allocation

  • Community Mining Allocation (40%):
  • Team Allocation (25%)
  • Community Pool (15%)
  • Treasury Pool (10%)
  • Ecosystem Growth and Innovation Pool (10%)

Token Use Case

ICE serves as a versatile asset, playing a crucial role in several key functions within the network:

  • Core Functionality: ICE acts as the lifeblood of the ION Blockchain, facilitating smooth transactions, interactions, and operations, ensuring the network's dynamism and efficiency.
  • Governance Participation: ICE holders have the authority to influence the network's future by voting on important proposals and decisions.
  • Staking Mechanism: Users strengthen the network's security by staking ICE earnings, rewards in return, creating a mutually beneficial relationship between users and the network.
  • IceID: A unique identifier system where accrued fees are directed back to ICE stakers, ensuring a continuous reward mechanism.
  • IceConnect: A revenue-sharing model where earnings from IceConnect are fairly distributed among Creators, Consumers, IceConnect nodes, and the Ice Team.
  • IceNet: Nodes in IceNet receive rewards for their services, whether running Proxies or DCDN nodes.
  • IceVault: Acting as the network's storage solution, IceVault nodes are compensated for securely storing user data.
  • IceQuery: Decentralized databases powered by IceQuery nodes ensure that these nodes are rewarded for their pivotal role in maintaining data integrity and accessibility.

Development team
Alexandriaru-lulian Florea is a co-founder of ICE
Labs Limited, a company specializing in software development and IT services. He is also the founder and CEO of Online Blockchain Technologies, a company that provides blockchain solutions for businesses and individuals.
Additionally, he is a co-founder of Framey, an application that allows users to create and share live videos directly from their phones. Framey received a $1 million investment from Ice Capital.
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