Who is the CEO of (TIA) Celestia ?

16 Jan 2024

Al-Bassam was born in Baghdad, Iraq, in January 1995 and emigrated to London, United Kingdom, when he was five years old. He earned a BSc in Computer Science from King's College London and is currently a PhD student. at University College London

In 2011, as a 16-year-old teenager, Al-Bassam was one of six core members of LulzSec during a 50-day hacking spree under the pseudonym "tflow". The group used denial-of-service attacks and compromised numerous high-profile organizations and companies, including Sony, Fox, News International, Nintendo, and the CIA.

He was also a member of the online hacktivist association known as Anonymous, where he was involved in the hacking of emails of HBGary Federal, an intelligence contractor for the US government. The emails revealed that HBGary Federal attempted to develop astroturf software to create an “army” of fake social media profiles and was hired by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to spy on and smear political opponents with fake documents and communications. As a result, members of the US Congress called for an investigation into HBGary Federal.

It is most commonly associated with the hacker group LulzSec. LulzSec attracted attention in 2011 with several high-profile cyber attacks against various organizations such as Sony, PBS and Nintendo. Al-Bassam was known by the pseudonym "tFlow" during his time with LulzSec. When the group's activities began to attract attention, he began operating as an information security researcher, cooperating with legal authorities. He has contributed to the field of computer security and has spoken on security-related topics at various conferences.

On 20 July 2011, it was announced on Fox News and other media outlets that London's Metropolitan Police had arrested a 16-year-old student in London in a series of high-profile attacks where he allegedly used the pseudonym "Tflow". fox.com, FBI affiliate "Infragard", PBS and Sony. For legal reasons, his name could not be disclosed for approximately two more years. On April 9, 2013, Tflow's full name, along with his picture, was revealed in many news sources on the Internet. He pleaded guilty to computer misuse and was given a 20-month suspended sentence with 320 hours of unpaid community service.

Al-Bassam has published research on scaling blockchain and cryptocurrencies. He contributed to the design and implementation of Chainspace, a blockchain protocol that uses sharding to increase transaction efficiency. Chainspace later evolved into a commercial company he co-founded and was subsequently acquired by Facebook in 2019 to become part of the Libra project. Al-Bassam has since been critical of Libra, saying that "the road to dystopia is paved with good intentions, and I am concerned about Libra's decentralization model."

Finally, Al Bassam, who appeared as the CEO of the Celestia project; We're on a mission to change the way blockchains and decentralized applications are built and make them more secure, scalable and independent. We imagine a world where global communities have the power to self-organize without the burden of existing power structures. He welcomes us with a statement like...

What is Celestia (TIA)?

Celestia is a blockchain project that offers a new blockchain architecture with a modular blockchain concept to provide scalability and security to web3 applications. This innovative structure aims to solve the scaling challenges faced by existing blockchains.

TIA Coin complements Celestia's modular blockchain approach, offering developers and users the benefits of customization, flexibility and scalability on the platform. It is also used to provide greater security and fast transaction times on the platform.

Celestia is a new technology that powers, scales and protects web3 applications. It introduces a new blockchain architecture called modular blockchains to solve the scaling problems of today's blockchains.

Payment and Transaction Fees: TIA Coin is a payment instrument used for transactions carried out in the Celestia ecosystem. This allows users to pay for their transactions on the network or cover transaction fees.

Network Security and Validator Rewards: TIA Coin is used to secure the network. Celestia's validators are rewarded with TIA Coin for securing the network and validating transactions.

In-Platform Incentives and Rewards: TIA Coin is used to incentivize users and developers of the platform. These incentives enable users and developers to be active and contribute within the Celestia ecosystem.

TIA Coin provides users and developers with customization and flexibility on the Celestia platform. Users can develop their custom applications and protocols using TIA Coin.

In 2014, I had a problem. I met with Al Bassam. It helped me with some issues I was stuck on. I send him my love. Celestia is a very big project. Although it is not a financial advice, stake 20-50 TIA if you have the opportunity. Or buy it and keep it.

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