Arbitrum bets on good incentives to promote growth in layer 2

21 Jan 2024

Over the past five months, Arbitrage has been a prominent name in the decentralized finance scene, not only for its innovative technology but also for its aggressive incentive strategy. For the third time this period, the platform plans to disburse a significant amount, estimated at millions of dollars in donations, in its native token, ARB, to stimulate usage and development in its layer 2. This initiative comes at a crucial time, reflecting not only the evolution of the project, but also its response to the dynamics of an ever-changing market.

The success of layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum often relies on creating incentives for users and developers to adopt and contribute to the network. While I don't have real-time information on specific developments, here are some general strategies and incentives that layer 2 solutions typically employ to promote growth:

Lower Transaction Fees:
Layer 2 solutions aim to reduce transaction costs compared to the main Ethereum network. Lower fees can attract users and developers who are sensitive to transaction costs.

Faster Transaction Confirmations:
Layer 2 solutions often offer faster confirmation times compared to the Ethereum mainnet. This can be particularly attractive for applications that require quick transaction finality, such as decentralized exchanges and gaming applications.

Ecosystem Support:
Collaborating with existing decentralized applications (DApps) and DeFi projects to integrate with the layer 2 solution can encourage broader adoption. Support from key players in the Ethereum ecosystem is crucial for the success of layer 2 solutions.

Bridge and Interoperability:
Seamless interoperability with the Ethereum mainnet is essential. Users should be able to easily move assets between the mainnet and the layer 2 solution. Bridges that enable these transfers play a crucial role in creating a connected and interoperable ecosystem.

Developer Grants and Support:
Providing grants and support programs for developers to build on the layer 2 solution can stimulate the creation of new applications and services.

Security and Reliability:
Ensuring the security and reliability of the layer 2 solution is critical. Users and developers need confidence that their assets are safe and that the network is resilient to attacks.

Community Engagement:
Building an active and engaged community is important for the long-term success of any blockchain project. Regular updates, community events, and educational efforts can help maintain and grow the user base.

Initial approval and program structure

On Tuesday, the Arbitrum DAO gave the initial green light for a “long-term incentive program,” pledging a staggering 45.8 million ARB. At the current exchange rate, this equates to almost 90 million dollars, tangible proof of the platform’s commitment to its growth and the blockchain ecosystem as a whole.

It seems that the Arbitrum DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) has approved a substantial amount of ARB tokens for a long-term incentive program. This kind of initiative is common in the blockchain space, where projects allocate a significant portion of their native tokens to incentivize users, developers, and other stakeholders to contribute to the growth and success of the platform.

Here are some aspects that are typically considered in the initial approval and program structure of such incentive programs:

Clearly defining the objectives of the incentive program, whether it's to attract developers, encourage community participation, or drive specific use cases on the platform.

Token Allocation:
Deciding on the amount of tokens to be allocated for the incentive program and how they will be distributed over time. This can include both immediate rewards and long-term vesting schedules.

Defining the mechanisms through which participants can earn and claim incentives. This might include staking, contributing to the ecosystem, participating in governance, or other activities that align with the project's goals.

Vesting Periods:
Determining the vesting periods for the allocated tokens to prevent immediate sell-offs and promote long-term commitment from participants.

Transparency and Governance:
Ensuring transparency in the distribution and allocation of tokens, as well as incorporating governance mechanisms that allow the community to have a say in future changes to the incentive program.

Effectively communicating the details of the incentive program to the community and stakeholders, providing clarity on how they can participate and benefit.

Incentive programs can play a crucial role in fostering growth and engagement within a blockchain ecosystem. However, it's important for participants to be aware of the terms and conditions, and for the project to maintain transparency to build trust in the community. For the latest and most accurate information on Arbitrum's incentive program, I recommend checking official announcements, blog posts, or community updates from Arbitrum or the related DAO.

The architecture of this new program is meticulous, with a pre-selection carried out by a board made up of five members responsible for granting scholarships. Additionally, three consultants will be hired, bringing their expertise to provide valuable feedback on funding proposals. However, it is worth highlighting that the final implementation of this plan is subject to approval in a second vote, a stage that highlights the deliberative and democratic nature of the DAO’s management.

The architecture of the incentive program, as described, reflects a thoughtful and structured approach to fostering growth within the Arbitrum ecosystem. Here are some key points to highlight based on the information provided:

Pre-Selection Board:
The establishment of a pre-selection board consisting of five members indicates a careful curation process. This board is likely responsible for reviewing and assessing funding proposals submitted by participants. Their role may involve evaluating the proposals based on predefined criteria, aligning with the goals of the incentive program.

Scholarship Grants:
The term "scholarship" suggests that the incentive program may include financial support or grants for selected individuals or projects. These scholarships could be awarded to developers, community contributors, or other stakeholders who demonstrate a commitment to the growth and success of the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Consultants' Expertise:
The involvement of three consultants adds an additional layer of expertise to the evaluation process. These consultants are likely to provide valuable insights, guidance, and feedback on funding proposals. Their expertise may span various areas, such as blockchain technology, decentralized applications, or ecosystem development.

Democratic Decision-Making:
The mention of a second vote for final approval emphasizes the democratic nature of the DAO's management. This stage ensures that the broader community has a say in the approval process, adding transparency and inclusivity to the governance model. Decisions made through a voting mechanism help in aligning the incentives with the collective interests of the community.

Deliberative Nature:
The emphasis on a deliberative process suggests that careful consideration and discussion are integral to decision-making within the DAO. This approach promotes open dialogue and collaboration among DAO members, fostering a sense of community engagement and shared governance.

It's important to note that this information provides a high-level overview, and the success of the program will depend on the effectiveness of its implementation and the engagement of the community. Additionally, the final approval stage through a democratic vote adds an extra layer of accountability and ensures that the broader community is involved in shaping the direction of the incentive program.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it's recommended to refer to official announcements, documentation, or communications from the Arbitrum DAO.

Retrospective and Impact of Previous Incentives

Looking back, Arbitrum is no stranger to incentive initiatives. In October, the platform launched a “short-term incentive program” worth $44 million. It later expanded this initial round in November, injecting an additional $20 million to support candidates whose proposals were well received but did not receive funding due to tiebreaker criteria.

Here are some common aspects associated with retrospectives and impact assessments of previous incentive programs:

Retrospective Analysis:
Conducting a retrospective analysis involves evaluating the outcomes and effectiveness of the previous incentive program. This includes assessing the impact on the growth of the ecosystem, the level of community engagement, and the success of funded projects.

Impact on Ecosystem Growth:
The injection of significant funds into short-term incentive programs suggests a commitment to accelerating the development and adoption of projects within the Arbitrum ecosystem. Analyzing how these funds were utilized and their impact on ecosystem growth is crucial.

Community Feedback:
Soliciting feedback from the community and participants who were part of the previous incentive program is valuable. Understanding their experiences, challenges, and successes can provide insights for refining future incentive initiatives.

Adjustments and Improvements:
Based on the retrospective analysis, the project team can identify areas for improvement. This might include refining the criteria for funding proposals, streamlining the application process, or addressing any challenges encountered during the implementation of the program.

Transparency in Reporting:
Providing transparent reports on how the allocated funds were distributed and the milestones achieved by funded projects helps build trust within the community. Clear communication on the impact of the incentive program enhances accountability.

Iterative Approach:
The iterative nature of incentive programs allows for adjustments and refinements based on lessons learned from previous initiatives. This ongoing improvement process contributes to the overall effectiveness of incentivizing growth within the ecosystem.

Long-Term Vision:
While short-term incentives are essential for immediate impact, considering the long-term vision and sustainability of the ecosystem is equally crucial. A balance between short-term rewards and long-term sustainability helps create a robust and enduring ecosystem.

The expansion of the initial round in November, specifically to support proposals that were well received but did not receive funding due to tiebreaker criteria, indicates a responsiveness to community needs and a willingness to adapt the incentive program based on real-world feedback.

Projects that have benefited from these incentive programs have seen notable growth across several key metrics, including total value locked (TVL), volume, fees and daily active users (DAUs). These numbers, released by OpenBlock, are indicative of a positive impact, although it is prudent to consider the broader context of a rising crypto market during the same period.

The reported growth in key metrics, including total value locked (TVL), volume, fees, and daily active users (DAUs) for projects benefiting from Arbitrum's incentive programs, suggests a positive impact on the ecosystem. However, it's important to note that the broader context of a rising crypto market can influence these metrics. Here are some considerations:

Total Value Locked (TVL):
An increase in TVL is a positive sign and indicates growing confidence and adoption within the ecosystem. However, it's crucial to differentiate between organic growth driven by the inherent value of projects and growth influenced by market trends. Analyzing the composition of TVL and the types of projects contributing to it can provide insights into the sustainability of the growth.

Volume and Fees:
Increased transaction volume and fees are often associated with higher user activity and demand for a platform's services. The positive impact on these metrics aligns with the goal of incentivizing user engagement. However, similar to TVL, it's essential to assess whether the growth is driven by real utility and user demand or if external factors like market speculation play a significant role.

Daily Active Users (DAUs):
A rise in DAUs indicates increased user participation and interaction with the platform. This is a key metric for assessing the usability and popularity of the projects within the Arbitrum ecosystem. Again, understanding whether the growth in DAUs is sustained and driven by the actual utility of the projects is important.

Broader Market Context:
The acknowledgment of the broader context, such as a rising crypto market, is a prudent consideration. Bullish market conditions can contribute to increased activity across various blockchain projects. Distinguishing between organic growth and growth influenced by market trends helps in assessing the long-term viability of the ecosystem.

Independent Analysis:
While data released by OpenBlock provides valuable insights, independent analyses and third-party assessments can offer additional perspectives. This includes evaluating the methodology used to gather and present the data, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem dynamics.

Incentive programs are designed to stimulate growth, but their success should be evaluated not only in terms of short-term metrics but also in the context of sustainable, long-term development. Ongoing monitoring, feedback loops, and adaptability to changing conditions are crucial for the success of incentive initiatives in the dynamic blockchain space.

A look to the future: incentives and governance

This week’s new round of incentive proposals represents a strategic evolution. While distributing a smaller amount of ARB tokens compared to the first round, the fiat value of these tokens has doubled, highlighting ARB’s appreciation and growing investor interest, especially in light of recent developments such as the approval of the bitcoin spot ETF.

However, the fiat value of these tokens has doubled, which is noteworthy and reflects ARB's appreciation and growing investor interest. The mention of recent developments, such as the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF, adds a broader market context to these changes. Here are some considerations:

Strategic Evolution:
The adjustment in the distribution strategy, even with a smaller amount of ARB tokens, suggests that the project is refining its approach to incentives. This could be driven by lessons learned from previous rounds or a desire to optimize the impact of the incentive program.

Fiat Value Increase:
Doubling the fiat value of the tokens could be an intentional move to maintain or increase the attractiveness of the incentive program. It might be aimed at aligning incentives with the broader market conditions and investor expectations, especially considering the growing interest in the cryptocurrency space.

Token Appreciation:
The mention of ARB's appreciation is significant. A growing value for the native token can contribute to the overall success of the incentive program. It not only attracts participants but also provides existing stakeholders with increased value, fostering a positive sentiment within the community.

Investor Interest:
The acknowledgment of growing investor interest implies that the project is being closely followed by the investment community. A project's ability to generate interest and support from investors can be instrumental in its long-term success.

Broader Market Developments:
The reference to the approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF suggests an awareness of broader market dynamics. External factors, such as regulatory approvals and macroeconomic trends, can influence investor sentiment and the overall market environment.

Governance Considerations:
As the project evolves, governance becomes increasingly important. Clear and effective governance mechanisms ensure that decisions, including those related to incentive programs, align with the best interests of the community. Decisions on token distribution, changes to incentive structures, and other governance matters are typically subject to community input and consensus.

It's worth noting that the success of incentive programs and strategic decisions is often contingent on the ability of the project to adapt to the dynamic nature of the blockchain space. Continuous engagement with the community, transparency in decision-making, and responsiveness to market conditions contribute to the long-term viability of projects like Arbitrum.

Furthermore, Arbitrum significantly strengthens its financial position, with DeepDAO reporting an increase in the value of its treasury from 3 billion in October 2023 to 7 billion. However, ARB’s liquidity is an important consideration, diminishing that despite the paper’s impressive value, converting this value into real purchasing power requires a careful approach.

The current proposal differs from the previous one not only in scale, but also in the introduction of a council and advisors for a more careful analysis of proposals, a measure aimed at mitigating governance fatigue. Elections for board members and advisors are now underway, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to participatory governance.


In short, Arbitrum is not only expanding its incentive program, but also refining its governance approach and market strategy. The near-unanimous approval of funding for the new incentive program is a testament to the community’s confidence in the direction the platform is taking. As the final vote approaches, the crypto and decentralized finance ecosystem is watching closely, anticipating the next steps of one of the most proactive and innovative players in the layer 2 space.

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