Easy Airdrops backed by Binance (free)

8 Jan 2024

Today I will share the easist airdrops that only needs daily check-in and simple tasks to complete. Stay consistent on these ones and it might become bigger in the short term. Most of them are on BNB and opBNB chain and backed by Binance.


1) Well3

Head over the site and connect with your twitter and wallet. https://well3.com/mission
You need a daily code from a user for today you can use code Q5TDJ.
Now complete the easy tasks!
Also from the menu visit the Master and complete that part too.

2) StarryNift

Head over the site https://starrynift.art/home
After minting the cheap (0.2$) NFT at opBNB network create your space than head into the Task & Reward segment from your icon. There complete the simple taks that only takes 5-10min a day and earn points.

3) Earn Alliance

This one is for the gamers and I think it will be big!

Click the link to go to the site https://www.earnalliance.com/referrals/Q3C89I

From the airdrop page connect your Discord and Steam to earn boxes.

As you can see I have already bought and played games on Steam so I manage to collect 39 boxes.

No worries if you do not have any, because from scrolling the WALL page you will get the box daily!
Open the daily boxes collect the rewards everyday and upgrade your boxes with the tickets.

4) Nfprompt

Go to the site https://nfprompt.io/earn?invitecode=ejZLe3m1

Connect your wallet.
For earning cNFP log in daily and collect free claims.

Also easy tasks will multiply your cNFPs. For example you need 2 cNFP for the task but after you complete you will get much more cNFP, so upgrade your cNFPs with the tasks.

5) MyShell

Go to https://app.myshell.ai/rewards-center

Complete the tasks given at this page which can be chat with the AI bots and daily check-ins.
Stay constent and then convert your points to the Shell coins.

These are my daily airdrop check-ins. My advice is staying constant on the daily airdrops that backed by Binance.

Check out my other airdrops strategies that I have expecting biggest returns.


Hope you have a great day!

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