Mental Health: Much More Than the Absence of Illness.

17 Feb 2024
My Psychologist Is Me: A Space To Learn, Grow And Heal From Within.

Tips, reflections and resources on how to take care of your mental health, improve your self-esteem and develop your potential. I do not intend to replace professional help, but rather to complement it and motivate you to be your own psychologist. I hope you like it and that it inspires you.

Mental health is a fundamental aspect of our lives that influences how we think, feel and act. However, we often neglect it or associate it with mental illness, as if it were something negative or shameful. This generates stigma, discrimination and suffering for people who suffer from a mental disorder, as well as their family and friends.

But mental health is not just the absence of illness, but a state of well-being in which we can develop our potential, face life's challenges, establish positive relationships and contribute to society. Mental health is a human right and a valuable resource that we must care for and promote.

How can we do it? There are many ways to improve our mental health, both individually and collectively.

  • Cultivate healthy habits: sleep well, eat a balanced diet, exercise, avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, etc.
  • Express and manage emotions: recognize what we feel, accept it without judging it, communicate it assertively, seek support when we need it, etc.
  • Promote positive thinking: value what we have, be grateful for what happens to us, be optimistic, have goals and projects, etc.
  • Practice mindfulness: living in the present, concentrating on what we do, breathing consciously, meditating, etc.
  • Develop creativity: explore new ideas, express ourselves artistically, solve problems, innovate, etc.
  • Learn new things: read, study, research, travel, learn about other cultures, etc.
  • Relating to others: listening, empathizing, cooperating, respecting, loving, etc.
  • Participate in the community: get involved in social, environmental, cultural causes, etc., that interest us and make us feel useful and connected.

These are just some suggestions, but each person can find their own way of taking care of their mental health, depending on their preferences, needs and circumstances. The important thing is to be aware that mental health is something that concerns us all and that we can improve it with small daily actions.

It is also important to recognize that sometimes we may have difficulties or suffer from a mental disorder, such as depression, anxiety, stress, etc. This does not mean that we are weak, crazy or abnormal, but that we need professional help. Going to a psychologist or psychiatrist is not a sign of failure, but of courage and responsibility. These professionals can offer us appropriate diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, as well as guide and support us in our recovery process.

Mental health is a complex and fascinating topic, which deserves to be treated with rigor, respect and sensitivity. I hope this article has helped you reflect and encourage you to take care of your mental health and that of those around you. Remember that mental health is much more than the absence of illness, it is happiness and well-being.

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