Countries call for global cooperation on AI governance

22 May 2024

The Japanese government is introducing a draft on promoting intellectual property, which addresses copyright issues for images and text created by AI services.

Accordingly, Japan supports the recognition of copyright for an individual, even for content created by AI, if that individual can prove that the work contains human creativity. However, the advent of generative AI services such as ChatGPT makes this issue much more complicated and it is difficult to clearly determine how much creativity is due to humans. Therefore, not only copyright, but other issues related to AI are also promoting calls for countries to cooperate to manage this very new field.

For nearly a month, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI technology company - the ChatGPT application development unit, has continuously made trips to many countries, such as Korea, Israel and Middle Eastern countries. Not only do they aim to promote business cooperation in the field of AI, but these trips also aim to lobby governments to join hands in a common effort to manage this field.

Mr. Sam Altman - CEO of OpenAI company: "The danger from AI is an existential risk for us. The big challenge for the whole world today is managing those risks while still exploit the huge potential that AI brings.

No one wants to destroy the world." One of this CEO's proposals is the establishment of an international agency to monitor the field of AI, similar to United Nations agencies that monitor the nuclear field or respond to pandemics.

The view of promoting collaborative AI management is also shared by many other leading technology experts. During his recent visit to China, billionaire Elon Musk also discussed with the country's officials about AI issues and according to Tesla's CEO, the world's number two economy is planning to introduce regulations on AI in near future.

In May, within the framework of the G7 conference in Japan, AI was also a key topic discussed by leaders of countries participating in the conference. Notably, G7 heads of state agreed on an initiative to develop international rules for AI.

The European Union (EU) has gone even further and has proposed a draft law to regulate all products and services using this technology, which is expected to be voted on in the European Parliament next year. middle of this year. Despite strong incentives from countries and businesses, experts still predict that the path to common agreements will not be easy and there will be many negotiations in the future in this area. this potential area

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