One plus

9 May 2023

the licentious fox praised the song of the crow with the bread in its beak. He begged him to perform some songs in his melodious voice. As soon as the delighted crow opened his beak, the bread fell. Before the crow knew it, the fox flew away with the bread in his mouth". Guruji ended the story in Isapani. The classroom was quiet enough to be heard even if a heel fell. “Now, boys,” he said, “what's the meaning of this?” He looked around the class. "Apu, stand up. Did you hear the story properly? What is the meaning of this thing?" He elbowed Apu.

Where did Apu stand? Guruji asked him the same question again with Bhaskar. Apu thought for a while. Then he said, "The meaning of this is that if your purpose is being achieved, there is no problem if you have to pamper a fool." Everyone started looking at each other. Apu laughed loudly in his heart. Guruji's desire to teach had never disappeared. Tapan Ghoshana gives great respect to all in the village. He was a scholar. He was interested in social work. Whatever the work, he used to do it with dispassionate heart. Anupam was his only grandson. He was good natured but very mischievous. He was smart, smart but equally stubborn. Due to Tapan Ghosh's influence in the village, no one called Apu anything special. So his pranks were increasing day by day. What he didn't like to do, he avoided by some trick.

What happened once was painting class. Apu used to draw pictures, It was very boring to paint. Guruji asked to choose one subject out of two or three subjects. Read your topic. One of them was, 'Maval's attack on Sinhagad'. Apu's fertile head began to work rapidly. At the end of the hour, everyone collected their colored papers and placed them on the table and left. The next day when the class started, Guruji distributed everyone's papers and called Apu. He held up Apu's paper and asked everyone, "What do you see?" “Guys, "Black paper." All answered in unison. "Apu, what have you drawn?" He asked Apu. "Mavalya's attack on Sinhagad." Apu calmly replied. "Show me where these things are Hayat Mavala, Sinhagad, Ghorpad, Dorkhand." He suppressed his anger and said. "Guruji, Tanaji attacked Sinhagad i.e. Kondhan on Amavasya. It is written in the book that it was day. Because of the darkness, they could not be seen by the enemies, so how can they be seen? This black color is darkness. Beyond these are dark." Apu explained. So this is Apu.

One day Tanvi, Ghoshbabu's maidservant's daughter under Pimpal She was sitting and playing with her wooden doll. On the mercury, she had engraved a colored bhingari of paper. She was moving because of the wind. Apu was climbing the tree from here to there. While playing, he 'hooped' from the upper branch and immediately fell on Tanvi's mirror. By breaking the stick, it split the Bhingri. Tanvi started crying loudly. "Chi Chi Chi Tanvi, what is it and you cry?" Apu said loudly. "I will bring ten glasses to you" his grandfather was passing by. Apu's words reached his ears. They didn't like it. He said, "Apu, even an anna is very important, isn't it? Consider those people who work hard to earn an anna." "What's in it grandpa! Anyone can earn. Bring something special No." "Oh Apu, don't say that. How to make money first It is difficult to understand. Everyone has to think and decide their own path.. Then one has to work hard. It doesn't take long to make ten of one and ten of one hundred, but earning a penny is very difficult. "Well, then you earn one and bring one. But remember it "I don't think so." Apu said. Bring your hard work. Not by making someone, behind or by stealing. will do Can you?" he asked. "Yes... very easily." Apu said. "Fine bet Grandfather said. "The bet is yours. I'll show you one or ten." Apu said in awe... Apu started thinking about how to earn an anna. He remembered that there was a lot of money in his piggy bank. But it was given to someone to eat. It was not his hard earned money. But who will work hard? let go Money close to him is his key. He is lucky if he gets money without hard work. So why bother? Let's remove one. What's in it! He fell asleep peacefully.

The next day he took an anna and went to his grandfather. Grandfather held it under his teeth. Bend and face Expressing his disapproval, he threw it into a nearby well. They turned their backs and walked away without saying anything. Apu didn't say anything. He thought, grandfather knows everything. What to do now? How to earn a penny? What work should be done? What should the children of the house he was born in do? He should be a doctor or a lawyer or do a big country job. But Apu was small. How could one earn money by being a doctor or a lawyer! What was coming to him? What was the value of whatever little was coming? No one was going to give him a damn about that. Bapre! So the total cost of Apu was zero? no no He thought, he was thinking the wrong way. How will that happen? It is true what Grandfather said. It is difficult to understand which way to earn money..

Two or four days passed like this. Apu thought, why think? Take it from the mother and give it away, what will the grandfather know? Mother works so hard. Working all day. Mother is his, so her hard earned money is not his? Apu took an anna from mother. Gave to grandfather. Grandpa did the same as before. Apu was embarrassed. He started thinking about what to do. He had seen a man coming to them from time to time. He used to sweep and clean the garden. Then his mother used to give him food and money or he also knew house servants who earned money by doing work. Will Apu do manual labor? What will people say? But he had to earn the money himself. This thought occurred to him throughout the day. Gradually he started to understand what his grandfather was saying. Earning money is really difficult, if he wants to make it big, he should learn good things instead of flightiness. So, after me, everyone will respect him as much as father-grandfather. But one day he got a chance to earn money received An old grandfather was holding a big trunk in front of him and calling someone for help. He wanted to load that truck in the car. Apu quickly moved forward. He said he was ready to put the truck in the car. Two annas were fixed as compensation. Apu Manoman Anandala. Come on, if not ten, at least two annas of work can be given to grandfather. But he did not want the burden of the trunk. At last, Grandfather lifted her from behind and Apu was able to carry her on her back. Grandfather was very urgent. So he helped Apu to the car. Carrying that load, the leader Apu remembered the universe. But once it was kept in the car. The old grandfather kept an anna on Apu's hand. "But our two annas were decided," said Apu. "It was not decided that I would help you then." He said. Poor Apu extended his hand to it without saying anything.

He brought one and placed it on his grandfather's hand. Grandpa bit down on his right jaw and raised his hand to throw it into the side well. Apu immediately screamed, “Grandpa, don't throw it away. Do you know how much I worked for it! Mercy here. How will you know the price!” Grandfather gave Anna to Apu. Pinching his nose he said “You know the price. Apu Surekh blushed. Grandpa asked. Remembering something, Apu said, “I will bring colored bhingri to Tanvi.” “Take Haya's bhingri.” Grandfather took out a bag from his own pocket and gave it to his grandson. "And bring this and put it in the cupboard of the gifts you got" Apu looked into the eyes of his grandfather. Grandpa's eyes smiled greasy with love for him.

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