Book of Enoch

22 May 2023

The Book of Enoch was not included in the traditional biblical canon for several reasons:

1. Non-canonical status: The Book of Enoch was not widely accepted as part of the Jewish or Christian biblical canon. It was considered an apocryphal or pseudepigraphal work, meaning it was attributed to a biblical figure but not believed to be divinely inspired.

2. Authorship and authenticity: The book is attributed to Enoch, a pre-flood figure mentioned in the Old Testament, but scholars generally agree that it was likely composed by multiple authors over a long period of time. Its authorship and historical accuracy were questioned, which contributed to its exclusion.

3. Doctrinal and theological differences: The content of the Book of Enoch contains ideas and teachings that diverge from mainstream Jewish and Christian beliefs. Some of its concepts, such as the existence of fallen angels and detailed cosmology, were deemed inconsistent with the theological framework of the canonical texts.

4. Lack of widespread use and recognition: The Book of Enoch was not widely circulated or accepted as authoritative among early Jewish and Christian communities. Its limited usage and recognition influenced the decision to exclude it from the biblical canon.

It is important to note that the reasons for excluding the Book of Enoch may vary across different religious traditions and denominations.

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