The Beauty Of Fall

15 Sept 2023

As summer's warmth begins to wane,
Autumn paints with an artist's domain.
A masterpiece of colors so bold,
In the story of fall, a tale unfolds.

Leaves of crimson, gold, and rust,
Whisper secrets in the gentle gust.
They dance from branches, free to roam,
Creating a vibrant, living poem.

The sun, a mellow, golden hue,
Bathes the world in a softer view.
Crisp air carries a spicy scent,
A fragrant journey of sweet content.

The harvest moon, a radiant sphere,
Glimmers in a night so clear.
Stars above like diamonds gleam,
In the tranquil, autumnal dream.

Fields and orchards yield their treasure,
Fruits of labor and nature's pleasure.
Pumpkins, apples, cider's cheer,
Autumn's bounty, the essence of the year.

In cozy sweaters and scarves we're dressed,
As daylight shortens and nights attest,
That fall, a season of change profound,
Brings serenity in every sound.

So, let us savor this wondrous time,
When nature composes in perfect rhyme.
In the tapestry of autumn's sprawl,
We find the beauty of life in fall.

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