
2 Jan 2024

Aradena: Battlegrounds offers a unique, immersive and compelling battle system that is deeplystrategic and insanely fun. A competitive strategy game that combines the deck-buildingmechanics of CCGs like Hearthstone, with the strateqic moment-to-moment gameplay of the likesof Civilisation, Warhammer and XCOM - all this creates a new and exciting competitive strategygameplay experience, set in the medieval fantasy Kingdom of Aradena.

In Battlegrounds, when a card is played it transforms into a fully animated 3D unit. The player thencommands their army across a detailed and immersive 3D battlefield as they attempt to outwitand defeat their opponent. Movement and positioning are key in Battlegrounds. Players mustutilise the environment to achieve victory: employing strategic board developments, setting trapsambushes, gambits and more.

Whilst Aradena: Battlegrounds is in development, Aradena's Questing and Skil Upgrading systemsallow early adopters to start building and uparading their army for Battlegrounds, This will alsoallow players to earn exclusive rewards, meet unique characters and play through engagingstorylines within the lore of Aradena.

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