Endgame 5. Ironman snap and Thanos loses.

18 Jul 2022

During battle between Avengers And Thanos Army wegot clear of many things.

1) Captain America was always worthy of Mlojnir
2) Ironman is always ready to sacrifice if it's came to save universe and Earth.
3) Any heroes who wills to save Earth and universe canbe avengers.
4) MCU have now many numbers of superheroes.
5) Arrogance leads to defeat as Thanos has won almost all battle with avengers out of 1.4 million chances except for thus battle because of Arrogance.
6) Thanos had only killed those who tries to stop him plan.

Ok, Since Ironman sacrifice himself after snap. Thanos Army and himself excluding Gamora get into dust . So, there are none left from Thanos army to revenge avengers for this snap. 

Ironman always was great hearted . Everyone including powerful ,gods ,kings, soldier ,old respect Ironman sacrifice and contribution . Now , people got their family friend And Loved ones again with good hope.

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