A Very Beautiful Combination of Water and Land

20 Jan 2024

Aceh has many tourist attractions that must be visited. Apart from the Tsunami Museum, there are other tourist attractions, namely Lake Laut Tawar. Lake Laut Tawar is a lake and tourist area located in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. On the west side of this lake is the city of Takengon, which is also the capital of Central Aceh Regency.

The Gayo tribe who live in this area call this lake Lake Laut Tawar. This lake has an area of ​​around 5,472 hectares with a length of 17 km and a width of 3,219 km. Do you know why this lake is called the sea? It turns out that according to research, Lake Laut Tawar is called Laut because the water area of ​​this lake is very wide. Likewise with the name Tawar, because the water in this lake is fresh water. The existence of Lake Laut Tawar is very vital because apart from being a tourist spot that is often visited by both domestic and foreign tourists, it is also used as a water source for Central Aceh Regency and several other districts around it.

The existence of Lake Laut Tawar is a source of pride for the people of Aceh. And traditional stories circulate around the Gayo community about the depik fish, which looks like an ornamental fish with a slender body with shiny white scales and the size of a thumb that lives in Lake Laut Tawar. The story goes that depik comes from grains of rice that were thrown into the lake. It will appear to the surface in certain seasons, especially during the rainy season. Before the season arrives, hordes of depik hide south of the lake, at the foot of Mount Bur Kelieten. Depik is a gift from God to the Gayo people, even though it is continuously consumed, it never runs out.

At this location you can see daily community activities, namely farming and fishing. An activity that has become part of the daily life of the people around the lake. The leading commodities grown in the Gayo highlands include Gayo coffee (Arabica coffee), which is very famous in Japan, potatoes, passion fruit, tomatoes, chilies, corn and vegetables. The most well-known plantation commodities are Gayo tangerines and avocados.

If the weather is good and the fog that covers Lake Laut Tawar has gone, you can see how enchanting this bluish water lake is. While enjoying the soothing sound of water, cast your gaze around Lake Laut Tawar to observe the mountain range that surrounds it. The mountains that stand firmly are covered with forests that are well maintained and have not been touched by human hands. It is said that a number of rare animals such as pangolins, porcupines, gibbons, deer, jungle cats and tigers still live there. And don't try to swim too far from the edge of Lake Laut Tawar if you can't swim. The clear bluish water of Lake Laut Tawar really tempts anyone to throw themselves into it. But Laut Tawar Lake has different depths and different water temperatures based on its depth.

If you want to go to Takengon, it's best to go through Bireun City because there is a small terminal where elf transport specifically for Takengon stops. The journey takes approximately 5 hours and costs Rp. 80,000. Apart from Bireun, alternative routes to Takengon can also be taken via Blang Kejeren and Kutacane. To travel to the Lake Laut Tawar tourist attraction, there is no entry ticket price, aka it's free. The Lake Laut Tawar tourist attraction is also equipped with accommodation, including around Lake Laut Tawar there are accommodations for rent for travelers who want to spend the night around the lake. There are also boats there that are ready to be rented to take explorers around the lake. Apart from that, you can also cycle (there are bicycle rentals around the lake) or fishing.

If you travel to Lake Laut Tawar, don't forget to take a culinary tour in Takengon by tasting the delicious depik fish typical of Lake Laut Tawar. This fish is a type of freshwater fish from the wadher fish family that does not exist in other areas. Apart from that, searchers are also obliged to taste the famous Takegon coffee or Gayo coffee and the small but very sweet tasting pineapple located in the Isak Takengon area plantation.

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