An unforgettable experience in your life.

5 Dec 2022

Unforgettable experiences are more than just experiences and trials throughout life. I am sure we all have encountered unforgettable experience in life. These unforgettable experiences can be good memories and even bad memories. This could be vacation trips that are full of joy to losing someone you love that brings you to tears. Any experience can teach you a lesson or bring pain to you like you have never felt. In this essay, I will explain my most unforgettable experience of losing my parents and what pain it has brought me as well as the strength it has bought me.

I know my mom and dad would be proud of me and the woman I have become. I know I take after my mom independence and being responsible about things like paying bills and taking care of my child. For my dad I take after his smartness and paying attention to details and analyzing everything. They would love to see me today like at the age of 26, working on getting my high school and about to start college. Being a mother and living on my own; I know their proud of me and my accomplishments while watching down on me from Heaven. These milestones in my life have taught me so much. It has changed my life rather its good or bad, the outcome always come out good in the long run.
I haven’t even started college, but I am ready to graduate and start my new career. Then, I can be able to do, enjoy and have the things that I had when I was a child. I want my son to enjoy the different things in life like traveling to different places; seeing the world and meeting different people. I want to set an example for him so one day he will follow in my footsteps. When he gets my age he can look at all the things his mom and dad did and gave to him. The I would hope and pray he would want to do the same for his family in the very far …show more content…
I have many different goals that I am trying to meet or accomplished and I am already a step closer with this opportunity that I was giving. To become the woman, I want to be I am one step closer and that’s getting my high school diploma. I am starting college on which puts me on track for my next goal.

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