Top 5 Ethereum Layer 2 Altcoins Under $1 Should You Buy Before the Dencun Upgrade

20 Mar 2024

As the Ethereum network prepares for the Dencun upgrade, investors are eyeing potential opportunities in Layer 2 altcoins priced under $1. These altcoins, built on top of Ethereum’s Layer 2 scaling solutions, offer promising scalability and cost-efficiency compared to the congested Ethereum mainnet. Among the top 5 Ethereum Layer 2 altcoins poised for growth are xDai (STAKE), Loopring (LRC), Matic Network (MATIC), OMG Network (OMG), and Immutable X (IMX). xDai, a stablecoin-based sidechain, provides fast and inexpensive transactions, making it ideal for everyday use.
The upcoming Dencun update, scheduled for March 13, is expected to boost Ethereum token development, potentially pushing its price above $3,800 amidst positive trends. This significant upgrade underscores Ethereum’s continued progress and its vital role in the blockchain industry.
Highlighting five promising Ethereum Layer 2 altcoins priced below $1: Skale (SKL), Loopring (LRC), Mantle (MNT), Myria (MYRIA), and Gelato (GEL). These tokens, representing innovation and scalability within Ethereum’s ecosystem, offer attractive opportunities for portfolio diversification ahead of the Dencun event.

Understanding Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

Layer 2 scaling solutions are mechanisms designed to improve the scalability and efficiency of blockchain networks, particularly Ethereum. These solutions aim to address the network’s limitations, such as slow transaction speeds and high fees, by processing transactions off-chain or in a layer above the main blockchain. By doing so, Layer 2 solutions can significantly increase the transaction throughput while reducing costs and congestion on the main chain. There are several types of Layer 2 scaling solutions, including state channels, sidechains, and plasma chains.
State channels allow users to conduct off-chain transactions that are settled on the main chain only when necessary, reducing the overall number of on-chain transactions. Sidechains are independent blockchains that can process transactions separately from the main chain, with periodic checkpoints to the main chain for security. Plasma chains are hierarchical tree structures of sidechains that allow for even greater scalability. These Layer 2 scaling solutions play a crucial role in enhancing the usability and scalability of blockchain networks, enabling them to support a broader range of applications and users.

Importance of Layer 2 Altcoins

Layer 2 altcoins, also known as second-layer solutions, play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These altcoins are designed to improve the scalability, efficiency, and functionality of existing blockchains like Ethereum. Here are some key reasons why Layer 2 altcoins are important:
⇔ Scalability:
Layer 2 altcoins help address the scalability issues faced by many blockchains, including high fees and slow transaction speeds. By offloading transactions to a secondary layer, these altcoins can significantly increase the throughput of the underlying blockchain.
⇔ Reduced Costs:
By processing transactions off-chain or using different consensus mechanisms, Layer 2 altcoins can reduce transaction fees, making it more cost-effective for users to transact on the blockchain.
⇔ Improved Speed:
Layer 2 solutions can process transactions faster than the underlying blockchain, enabling near-instantaneous transactions. This is particularly important for applications that require fast confirmation times, such as decentralized exchanges and gaming platforms.
⇔ Enhanced Privacy:
Some Layer 2 altcoins offer enhanced privacy features, allowing users to transact more anonymously than on the underlying blockchain. This can be important for users who prioritize privacy and security.
⇔ Interoperability:
Layer 2 altcoins can facilitate interoperability between different blockchains, allowing users to transfer assets seamlessly between different networks. This can help promote the adoption and usability of cryptocurrencies.
⇔ Smart Contract Capabilities:
Some Layer 2 altcoins support smart contracts, enabling developers to build more complex and feature-rich decentralized applications (dApps) on top of existing blockchains.
Overall, Layer 2 altcoins play a vital role in improving the scalability, efficiency, and functionality of blockchain networks, ultimately helping to drive the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Factors to Consider Before Investing

Before investing in any asset, including cryptocurrencies, it’s essential to consider several factors to make informed decisions. Here are some key factors to consider before investing in cryptocurrencies:

  1. Market Research: Conduct thorough research on the cryptocurrency you’re interested in, including its technology, use case, team, and market potential. Understand the problem it aims to solve and its competitive landscape.
  2. Risk Tolerance: Cryptocurrency investments are known for their volatility. Assess your risk tolerance and consider how much you’re willing to invest and potentially lose. Only invest what you can afford to lose.
  3. Diversification: Consider diversifying your cryptocurrency portfolio to reduce risk. Invest in a mix of established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as promising altcoins.
  4. Regulatory Environment: Cryptocurrencies are subject to regulatory scrutiny in many countries. Stay informed about the regulatory environment in your country and how it might impact your investments.
  5. Security: Ensure you store your cryptocurrencies securely in a reputable wallet. Consider using hardware wallets for long-term storage and implementing best security practices.
  6. Liquidity: Consider the liquidity of the cryptocurrency you’re investing in. High liquidity means you can buy and sell your assets easily without significantly impacting the price.
  7. Use Case and Adoption: Evaluate the use case and adoption of the cryptocurrency. Look for projects with a clear use case and a growing user base or ecosystem.
  8. Team and Development: Research the team behind the cryptocurrency and their track record. Evaluate the project’s development progress and community engagement.
  9. Market Conditions: Consider the overall market conditions and trends in the cryptocurrency market. Be prepared for both bull and bear markets.
  10. Long-Term Potential: Assess the long-term potential of the cryptocurrency. Consider factors such as its technology, team, adoption, and competitive advantage.

It’s important to approach cryptocurrency investing with caution and do your own research. Cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile and unpredictable, so it’s essential to be well-informed and make decisions based on your own analysis and risk tolerance.

Top 5 Ethereum Layer 2 Altcoins Under $1

1. Skale (SKL)

Skale (SKL) is a leading player in the decentralized space, offering an innovative network tailored for developers. It provides a unique platform for building custom blockchains and decentralized applications, all within Ethereum’s expansive ecosystem. This initiative directly tackles Ethereum’s scalability challenges and the issue of high gas fees, offering developers a viable alternative.
The network’s native currency, the SKL token, adheres to the ERC-777 standard, serving a dual purpose. It incentivizes network participation through staking rewards and plays a pivotal role in governance decisions.
Currently priced at $0.1054, SKL has experienced a slight decrease of 5.76% in the last day. However, it has surged by more than 45% in the recent month. With a market capitalization of $546 million, it ranks as the 140th largest cryptocurrency.

2. Loopring (LRC)

Loopring (LRC), an innovative Ethereum layer-2 solution, utilizes “zkRollup” technology to enhance decentralized exchange (DEX) performance. This approach moves transactions off-chain, utilizing zero-knowledge proofs to achieve lower costs and faster transaction speeds compared to Ethereum’s mainnet operations.
The platform’s native token, LRC, plays a crucial role in staking, governance, and securing fee reductions within the ecosystem. As “zkRollups” gains prominence as a leading layer-2 solution, Loopring is positioned for significant growth in 2024. This makes it a key altcoin to consider ahead of the anticipated Dencun network upgrade.
Currently priced at $0.3503, LRC has experienced a 7.03% drop in the past day due to a minor market adjustment. Positioned at 154th on CoinMarketCap, its market capitalization is now $478 million.

3. Mantle (MNT)

Mantle (MNT) has quickly ascended the ranks within the Ethereum Layer 2 network, securing the fourth position in Total Value Locked (TVL) just two months after its launch. This rapid rise reflects growing investor interest, supported by an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of 7.2%. With the ability to process up to 200 transactions per second, Mantle demonstrates its robust processing capabilities. Its performance signals a strong challenge to its competitors in the Layer 2 space.
Mantle’s efficient and scalable nature has made it a significant player. The token is currently priced at $1.01, following a more than 12% increase in the past week. This growth positions it as one of the top cryptocurrencies for investment today.

4. Myria (MYRIA)

Myria emerges as a purpose-built Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, focusing on NFTs, blockchain gaming, and more. Developed in collaboration with StarkWare, Myria’s solution promises instant trade confirmations and zero gas fees for NFT transactions, all while ensuring the security of user assets.
Utilizing StarkWare’s STARK prover and Zero-Knowledge Rollup (ZK-Rollup) technology, Myria can consolidate multiple transfers into a single transaction. This efficiency allows it to support up to 9,000 transactions per second (TPS). Currently, Myria’s token is valued at $0.01454, marking a 2.17% increase over the last 24 hours.

5. Gelato Network (GEL)

Gelato Network (GEL) is a pioneering decentralized network that utilizes bot technology to automate smart contract operations across major public blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, and Fantom. This innovation enables web3 developers to outsource their DevOps needs, allowing them to focus entirely on developing their core product.
GEL is currently priced at $0.7671, reflecting a 5.28% increase over the last 24 hours. Ranked at number 485 on CoinMarketCap, Gelato has a market capitalization of $84 million. The network has a circulating supply of 109,951,523 GEL coins, with the maximum supply remaining undisclosed.


In conclusion, the top 5 Ethereum Layer 2 altcoins under $1 present exciting investment prospects before the Dencun upgrade. xDai, Loopring, Matic Network, OMG Network, and Immutable X are at the forefront of Ethereum’s scalability solutions, offering faster, cheaper, and more efficient transactions compared to the congested Ethereum mainnet. With the impending upgrade set to enhance Ethereum’s performance, these Layer 2 altcoins are positioned for significant growth and adoption. xDai’s stablecoin-based sidechain provides a reliable and cost-effective alternative for everyday transactions.
Loopring’s decentralized exchange protocol offers a secure and efficient trading experience. Matic Network, soon to be rebranded as Polygon, focuses on enhancing scalability and user experience. OMG Network aims to revolutionize Ethereum and ERC-20 token transactions. Immutable X provides a sustainable and scalable solution for NFTs. As Ethereum evolves, these Layer 2 altcoins have the potential to deliver substantial returns for investors seeking exposure to the burgeoning decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

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