How To Find The Next 100x Solana Meme Coin

13 Jan 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Profiting from 100X Meme Coins

Leveraging crypto culture and community to hit life-changing gains

The world of crypto investing contains endless possibilities. While many look to blue chip cryptos as long-term holds, the volatility of the market also presents opportunities for incredible short-term gains. Meme coins represent one of the most explosive arenas when it comes to capturing these types of wins.
As we’ve seen with hugely successful meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, the right meme coin investment timed properly can turn into absolutely staggering returns. Who can forget Dogecoin’s surge from less than a penny to over 70 cents, minting millionaires along the way? Or Shiba Inu’s dizzying climb that rewarded early investors with gains as high as 100,000X?
The prospect of buying into the next hot meme coin and riding it to riches is tantalizing. But how does one go about identifying and profiting from the next meme coin winner?
In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share with you my proven strategy for finding, researching, entering, and profiting from meme coin plays primed to explode 100X or more.
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Understanding Meme Coin Mania Psychology

To understand meme coin investing, it helps to examine the psychology underlying it. Meme coins are fundamentally driven by hype and community more than technological sophistication or real-world utility. This makes them well-suited to a concept called the “castle in the air” theory.
First proposed by economist John Maynard Keynes, this theory states that certain assets rise in value not because of intrinsic worth, but because investors collectively speculate on future price appreciation. It’s a “build it and they will come” mentality.
Meme coins perfectly embody this castle in the air psychology. Investors pour into meme coins, betting that future investors will then pour in after them, regardless of whether the project has any tangible value. The more people buy into the hype, the more the hype builds on itself.
Unlike roulette or slots where the house mathematically has an edge, meme coin trading can be beat. By applying smart strategies, you can gain an edge on the market and turn meme coin speculation into sustainable profits.
Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

Step 1: Monitor Momentum

The first key to profitable meme coin trading is identifying top momentum plays. Chasing stagnant or declining meme coins is a losing strategy. You want to jump on board when a meme coin is demonstrating viral growth.
I utilize several tools to spot surging meme coins:
DexTools: This platform’s “Hot Pairs” dashboard showcases crypto assets experiencing notable price movements. Filtering by criteria like minimum liquidity, volume, and swap count helps surface likely meme coins.
Banter Bubbles: This site’s market cap filtering lets you visually identify crypto assets surging in value over different time frames. Cross-referencing with DexTools paints a clearer picture.
Twitter: Compile a list of crypto influencers with successful meme coin calls. Monitoring their latest shouts can provide early alerts on emerging trends.
Track meme coins meeting momentum criteria over a multi-day period. Develop a pipeline of vetted candidates for further review.

Step 2: Verify Subculture Strength

For a meme coin to achieve escape velocity, it needs a thriving, viral online community supporting it. The meme itself and accompanying subculture must resonate and be easily grasped.
Validating a meme coin’s community strength is crucial. Here are some methods:

  • Assess engagement on social platforms like Twitter, Telegram and Discord. Is excitement rapidly building?
  • Check Google Trends. Is search volume for the coin exploding?
  • Analyze social metrics like comments and likes. Are posts eliciting reactions indicative of an active community?
  • Search the meme coin’s ticker on Twitter. Are influential voices discussing it? Is sentiment positive?

The stronger the community, the greater the likelihood of exponential meme coin growth.

Step 3: Research Fundamentals

While meme coin success relies more on hype than underlying tech, reviewing fundamentals can still help avoid rug pulls and maximize upside. Areas to analyze:

  • Team: Their skills and track record generating hype and managing communities. Are they anonymous or public?
  • Tokenomics: Review dilution schedules and burning mechanisms. Coins burning tokens and limiting dilution tend to outperform.
  • Contracts: Use services like DYOR and BubbleMaps to assess concentration risk and identify wallets likely belonging to founders. High ownership by a few wallets can indicate dumping risk.

Doing basic fundamental diligence, while less critical than for long-term holds, provides an added edge by screening out scams.

Step 4: Long Leaders or Chase Rotations?

When a particular meme coin category heats up, you face a decision: do you invest in the leading coin of that niche, or chase smaller cap spin-off rotations hoping to score bigger gains?
Generally, it’s wise to stick with category leaders in early stages of a hype cycle. The biggest hype builds around dominant players like Dogecoin rather than lesser known imitators trying to ride their coattails.
But once a meme coin leader peaks, profits tend to rotate into cheaper, smaller cap coins in the same sector. Identifying when this rotation point occurs is more art than science. Look for declining metrics like volume and social buzz around the leader as hints momentum may be shifting.

Step 5: Follow the Smart Money

Whales and crypto influencers who’ve scored big meme coin wins often continue exhibiting a knack for picking winners. You can gain invaluable insights by analyzing their on-chain activity.
Services like Lookonchain and DBank allow you to identify and track wallets associated with these meme coin “savants”. Seeing where they are recently accumulating can validate your own meme coin research.
By pooling tools like on-chain tracking, momentum metrics, community analysis and fundamentals review, you give yourself the best chance at isolating mem coins with explosive potential.

Executing Winning Meme Coin Trades

Even armed with a battle-tested meme coin selection process, you still need to master prudent trade execution to maximize profits. Here are some key tips:

  • Treat it like a casino: Only wager an amount you’re willing to lose completely. Meme coin investing remains highly speculative.
  • Use separate capital: Never mix principal investments with dedicated meme coin capital. This helps contain risks.
  • Leverage technical analysis: Identify key support/resistance levels to inform entry, stop loss and take profit levels, especially on corrections and breakouts.
  • Get an initial position: Don’t FOMO all-in. Build an starter position to quell urge to chase, then increase size on high probability setups.

Taking Profits

Profiting from an explosive meme coin run means little if you don’t have a strategy for systematically taking profits. Here are proven techniques:

  • Get initial investment back: Once your position doubles, take out your initial capital to ride with “house money”.
  • Scale out: After recovering initial capital, ladder out portions of your position on incrementally higher price doubles (e.g. 25% of holdings per 2X).
  • Move up stops: Continue ratcheting up stop losses to lock in gains as price appreciates.
  • Identify blow-off tops: Warning signs like declining social volume, holder counts, and technical weakness signify impending reversals.

By taking profits methodically instead of getting greedy, you secure life-changing wealth from your meme coin moonshots.


As we’ve seen repeatedly, the right meme coin picked at the right time can turn a tiny investment into a fortune overnight. But you need the right framework to capitalize on these fleeting opportunities.
I hope this comprehensive guide equips you to profit from the next hot meme coin with a proven strategy combining momentum analysis, community evaluation, fundamentals review, strategic positioning, prudent entries and systematic profit taking.
Wishing you many meme coin jackpots ahead! Let me know if any part of this guide needs more detail. I’m always happy to break down these concepts further to help fellow investors build sustainable wealth. Looking forward to hearing about your next 100X winner!

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