Free AI Tools To Start $500 Per Day Side Hustles

16 Jan 2024

The AI Revolution

The AI revolution goes far beyond ChatGPT. Here are 3 free AI tools that are helping people earn passive income through print-on-demand businesses.
We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

PatternedAI: Generate Trendy Seamless Patterns for Digital Paper and Phone Cases

Seamless patterns are all the rage right now on Etsy. Customers love using them to create DIY papercrafts and decorate phone cases. As an artist myself, I know how tedious it can be to manually create these kinds of repeating motifs. That’s why I’m so excited about PatternedAI.
This free AI tool lets you instantly generate professional-looking seamless patterns just by typing a text description. You don’t need any graphic design skills. The AI handles all the work for you.
I decided to test it out by generating a cute pattern with unicorns. Here’s what I typed: “A seamless tile pattern with purple unicorns, stars and rainbows.”
In literally seconds, PatternedAI created this beautiful repeating pattern for me:
Amazing, right? This kind of custom artwork would take me hours to do by hand. But the AI whipped it up instantly.
Now let’s talk about how you can actually make money with PatternedAI…
Etsy sellers are making thousands per month by turning AI-generated patterns into digital paper packs. These are packages of printable patterned papers that crafters use to make cards, origami, decoupage projects, etc.
Another major opportunity is printable phone cases. Just take a look at this Etsy shop using AI patterns on phone cases. They’re easily bringing in over $500 per day in passive income.
So how does it work? Etsy has an integration with Printify so the production and shipping is 100% hands-off. Whenever an order comes in, Printify will print your pattern onto a phone case and ship it out automatically. You keep the profit.
The great thing about passive income models like this is that you put in the work once when setting up your Etsy/Printify store, but then earn money on autopilot as the orders roll in.
Now, PatternedAI won’t magically make you money. You still need to find cool niches and create products people want. But it’s an amazing free tool that gives artists and non-artists alike the ability to quickly create patterns that stand out.
Let’s move on to the next game-changing free AI tool…

Deep AI: Colorize Vintage Photos and Turn Them Into Trendy Wall Art

Vintage photography is hugely popular right now. That rustic aesthetic really resonates with people looking to decorate their homes.
The problem is vintage photos are almost always in black-and-white. That’s why Deep AI is so revolutionary. Their “Recolorization” tool lets you add color to old black-and-white photos with the click of a button.
It’s like this old photo has been brought back to life! The AI did an amazing job adding realistic color.
Now let’s look at how you can turn these AI-remastered vintage photos into profitable print-on-demand products…
Remastered historical photos are selling incredibly well as wall art on Etsy. Take this vintage beer poster for example. It’s earned over $14,000 on Etsy:
And it’s not just physical products. You can also sell the remastered images as digital downloads. This vintage golf photo pack has made over $2,000 on Etsy:
Again, the key is finding unique vintage photos that haven’t been rediscovered yet. You can source great public domain images on sites like:

  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Free-Images
  • Rawpixel

The copyrights on these old photos have expired, so you’re free to remix and resell them.
I’ll often colorize the same photo with different AI tools to create multiple product variants. Each AI will produce totally unique results.
Giving customers different color options results in more sales. It’s all about standing out.
So in summary, Deep AI makes it possible for anyone to revitalize vintage photos and create hot-selling print-on-demand products. You don’t need to be a professional artist or photographer.
The only limit is your imagination. There are endless vintage niches waiting to be explored.

AI Image Enlarger: Increase Resolution for High-Quality Printing

Here’s a common problem when using AI art generators: The images end up kinda small in terms of resolution.
This makes them fuzzy or pixelated when printed. Not good for creating products.
That’s where my new favorite free tool comes in: AI Image Enlarger. This AI will increase the size and resolution of any image while retaining full quality.
I just used it to 4X enlarge this small 400 x 400 pixel pattern from PatternedAI:
Now I can print this pattern nice and big without losing any image clarity. Game changer!
You can also use AI Image Enlarger to blow up vintage photos before selling them as wall art. This ensures excellent print quality.
It’s an amazing free website that perfectly complements other AI art tools like PatternedAI and Deep AI. I use it on almost every project these days to optimize images for high-res printing.
The free account lets you enlarge images up to 4X. But if you do a lot of print-on-demand, I highly recommend upgrading to the $9.99 monthly plan. It lets you increase images up to 10X in size.
Well, that wraps up my tour through some of the hottest new AI tools for generating passive income online. I hope you’re feeling inspired!
The AI revolution has put powerful design capabilities into the hands of anyone. These free tools combined with print-on-demand platforms like Etsy and Printify make it possible to start earning money from home through creativity and automation.
If you found this guide helpful, let me know in the comments! I’m always happy to answer any questions you have about getting started with AI art and print-on-demand.
I look forward to connecting more in the comments! Talk soon.
We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.


Ai Tools
Make Money Online
Side Hustle
Artificial Intelligence



Written by Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑

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