C of O

27 Oct 2022

I am just reading on the implications of not having a certificate of Occupancy, and what a certificate of Occupancy is. The importance cannot be overemphasized. Before the enactment of the land use act such a document was used as a collateral to get loans and carry out other official collateral purposes. It is more like an evidence that someone has any interest in land whatsoever or title to such a land. So basically, you show someone oh I have a certificate of Occupancy that automatically means that I can claim an ownership to rights in whichever piece I’m claiming. 

This is tied down to Nigeria, actually. I do not know of other countries. 

But what happens when you have a valid certificate of occupancy and the government still turns and acquires your land? As an aggrieved party do you just up and go to court? 
Or is there an alternative remedy? 

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