South Korea Forms Official Crypto Investigation Unit

2 May 2024

South Korea Forms Official Crypto Investigation Unit

South Korea has taken decisive steps in its efforts to address the surge in crypto-related crimes. The country has transitioned its temporary crypto investigation unit into a permanent one to enhance efficiency in law enforcement.

The Joint Virtual Asset Crime Investigation Unit, which initially operated as a temporary body under the South Seoul District Prosecutor's Office, will be promoted to an official department. This move is expected to improve the detection, prevention, and prosecution of crypto-criminal activities.

As reported by local media Segye Ilbo (28/4/2024), this new unit, comprised of experts from various fields including prosecution, finance, and intelligence, represents a multidisciplinary approach to tackling sophisticated financial crimes.

Response to Increased Crypto Crime

This step is a direct response to the growing complexity of virtual asset crimes that often require specialized knowledge and cross-jurisdictional coordination.

The country has seen a significant rise in crypto-related criminal activity. According to a February report by South Korea's Financial Intelligence Unit, local crypto companies reported 16,076 suspicious transactions in 2023, marking a 49% increase from 2022.

Furthermore, South Korea will implement its first comprehensive crypto regulations aimed at protecting investors on July 19. These new regulations impose stricter criminal penalties for those manipulating the crypto market, including life imprisonment in certain cases.

South Korea's proactive measures also reflect a global trend as countries worldwide strive to enhance regulation and monitoring in the rapidly evolving crypto market. Additionally, South Korea's investigation unit is expected to collaborate with international agencies to address the cross-border nature of crypto crimes.


South Korea's decision to establish a permanent Crypto Investigation Unit marks a significant step forward in the country's efforts to combat the surge in crypto-related crimes. By transitioning from a temporary body to an official department, South Korea demonstrates its commitment to enhancing efficiency in law enforcement and addressing the growing complexity of virtual asset crimes.

The formation of the Joint Virtual Asset Crime Investigation Unit, comprising experts from various fields, underscores a multidisciplinary approach essential for tackling sophisticated financial crimes effectively. This move comes in response to the alarming rise in crypto-related criminal activities, as evidenced by the substantial increase in suspicious transactions reported by local crypto companies.

Moreover, South Korea's forthcoming comprehensive crypto regulations, set to be implemented on July 19, signal the government's proactive stance in protecting investors and imposing stricter penalties on those involved in manipulating the crypto market. These measures align with a global trend of countries intensifying regulation and monitoring within the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

Furthermore, South Korea's commitment to collaborating with international agencies reflects an acknowledgment of the cross-border nature of crypto crimes, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts on a global scale.

Overall, the establishment of a permanent Crypto Investigation Unit, coupled with forthcoming regulatory measures, signifies South Korea's proactive approach to combatting crypto-related crimes and safeguarding its financial ecosystem.

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