14 Feb 2024


Cost: $0
Potential Reward: $100 $300 $500 $1000 $2000 $5000+

What exactly is Grass?

Everyone has an internet connection with a certain amount of monthly bandwidth, yet almost no one uses it all. Grass is a network that allows you to sell your bandwidth to others via a set of background programs on your phone or PC. The end result is passive income from selling a resource you weren't aware you had.

Selling internet bandwidth on Grass allows you to directly contribute to the evolution of artificial intelligence. These networks are critical for training AI models, and AI labs are among our most valuable customers. Grass is a network dedicated only to the exchange of bandwidth. Buyers will be unable to examine your data or observe your activity. Security and privacy are absolutely guaranteed. Accumulate as many Grass Points as possible. Remember that more Grass Points equals higher earnings.

Grass raised $4.50 million in funds. Led by Polychain Capital

Here's how to qualify for the airdrop:

  • Click Connect as soon as you see this page

  • Click "Add to Chrome" immediately this page pops up

  • Permission will be required to add extension to your browser.

Simply click "OK"

  • Click this icon on your browser

  • Click on "Grass Extension"

  • Login with the accurate details (Email and Password)

Congratulations, You are finally Here. The Android version is not yet available. As long as your data is turned on, it will be accumulating in the background while you use your phone. REMEMBER TO INVITE YOUR FRIENDS. We will all triumph together. Thank you very much. Here is my link again;

Join now before it's too late.

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