Are Man Utd good enough to keep hold of Garnacho?

15 Mar 2024

The Argentina national player has decisively dispelled any uncertainty regarding his suitability for the Red Devils. However, the question remains: do the Red Devils meet his standards?

Alejandro Garnacho has transcended his initial role as Manchester United's future prospect. Presently, one could argue that he stands as their most impactful player. His performance in the Premier League mirrors that of Bruno Fernandes, with both contributing ten goals each. Over the past four months alone, Garnacho has impressively netted five goals and provided five assists.

However, his statistics alone don't capture the full essence of his impact. Among fans, Garnacho has attained a near-legendary status. Every time he touches the ball at Old Trafford, spectators rise in anticipation. Almost every action he takes on the field is met with the chant, 'Viva Garnacho, running down the wing, hear United sing'.

The connection between United supporters and Garnacho has been special ever since his leadership of the Under-18s to victory in the FA Youth Cup in 2022. This bond has only strengthened as he's progressed into the first team. Initially, there were doubts about whether he could replicate his youth achievements at the highest level, but he has steadily dispelled those uncertainties, demonstrating both the mentality and maturity to complement his exceptional talent.

Garnacho! The dangerous young winger

Garnacho has unquestionably proven his worthiness for Manchester United. The pressing inquiry now revolves around whether Manchester United can match his caliber. Garnacho's popularity among United fans is easily understood. The winger position holds a significant place in the club's illustrious history, with players like George Best, Ryan Giggs, and Marcus Rashford epitomizing its essence.

Best's electrifying performances on the left wing set the standard, followed by Giggs, whose longevity and skill made him an icon. Then came Beckham, known for his exceptional crossing ability, and Ronaldo, who transitioned from a winger to a goal-scoring machine. While successors like Anthony Martial, Ashley Young, and Antonio Valencia had their moments, it was Rashford who reinvigorated the position with his thrilling displays.

Garnacho follows in the footsteps of these legends, honing his skills at United's academy after joining from Atletico Madrid at 16. Winning the Youth Cup, akin to Best, Giggs, and Beckham, holds significance, but it's his captivating style of play that truly embodies the spirit of United.

Nick Cox, United's head of academy, emphasized the club's tradition of entertaining football, stating that Garnacho has embraced this ethos. United supporters cherish players who not only entertain but also embody the club's ethos, and Garnacho

Rising to the occasion

Garnacho has unquestionably proven his worthiness for Manchester United. However, the pivotal question now revolves around whether Manchester United can match his caliber. Garnacho's adoration among United fans is readily understandable. Throughout the club's illustrious history, the winger position has been emblematic. George Best, the club's inaugural global superstar, epitomized this role on the left wing. While Sir Bobby Charlton may have been more influential overall, Best captured fans' hearts with his electrifying performances, a sentiment still echoed at Old Trafford each week.

Following Best, Ryan Giggs mesmerized opponents from the left wing for nearly 24 years, becoming the club's most capped player. Giggs shared the stage with David Beckham, renowned for his exceptional crossing ability, and later with Cristiano Ronaldo, initially a nimble winger before transitioning into a central forward.

While successors like Anthony Martial, Ashley Young, and Antonio Valencia were somewhat underwhelming, Marcus Rashford revitalized the left-forward position with his thrilling performances. Garnacho now follows in the footsteps of Best, Giggs, and Rashford, honing his skills at United's academy after joining at 16 from Atletico Madrid. His triumph in the Youth Cup, akin to Best, Giggs, and Beckham, carries significance. However, it's his captivating style of play, his ability to dazzle and entertain, that truly aligns him as a quintessential United player.

Nick Cox, United's head of academy, emphasized this aspect, stating, "Our style of football is geared towards exciting the supporters, emphasizing creativity and flair. Alejandro has fully embraced this ethos, captivating fans not just with his entertaining play but also by embodying the spirit of youthful talent cherished by the United faithful."

Can United match his ambition?

Given Garnacho's unwavering dedication to football, as highlighted by Head of Academy Cox, who described him as "obsessed," there's a strong indication of his potential to become one of the world's premier players and even a contender for the Ballon d'Or within the next few years. His ambition knows no bounds. The pressing question remains: can Manchester United match his lofty aspirations?

United's recent track record in European competitions doesn't quite align with Garnacho's ambitions. With more appearances in the Europa League than the Champions League in the last five years, and their current position in the league not promising Champions League qualification, it's evident that United may struggle to provide the platform for Garnacho to compete at the highest level and contend for major titles.

For a player of Garnacho's caliber and mindset, Champions League finals and league titles should be the norm. However, United's recent performances fall short of meeting these expectations. Garnacho deserves the opportunity not just to participate in the Champions League but to vie for its ultimate prize.

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