What is an NFT, and how to create one? Do you know that you can be an NFT?!

9 Jun 2023

Do you know that you can be an NFT?
Yes, that’s right, but how? NFTs or non-fungible token, and non-fungible refers to something that is unique and cannot be replaced. Are we talking about you?!, huh!

But for now, NFTs work with just digital assets like photos, videos, musics and other digital formats, so don’t worry no one can buy you from NFT marketplaces, HAHAHAHAHA! Villain’s laugh. 

let’s get serious, NFT is a token created on the blockchain with a unique identification and specific data to represent a unique digital asset such as artwork, music, videos, collectibles, or virtual items. 

Let’s see an example:
You can access this information on https://etherscan.io/. In the top menu, you will find 'NFTs'. Click on it and select 'Top NFTs' to view a list of the most traded collections on Ethereum. Choose a collection and you will see all the transactions happening in real time. Go to the 'Item' column and select the specific NFT you want to view its data.

In the picture above, I am showing you an NFT from the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection, which is well-known in the NFT space. You can see the picture of the NFT and some data representing its uniqueness.

This data shows us the owner of the NFT, the creator (Bored Ape Yacht Club), the location where the image is stored, the token ID, and the token standard, which is ERC-721. I have explained what ERC-721 is in a previous article https://www.bulbapp.io/p/2f1694ed-f94d-4dc9-8fab-0037df4c536e/what-exactly-is-erc-in-ethereum , and it also mentions the marketplace where you can purchase the NFT.

We also find the properties of the NFT, which can have different attributes in other collections. These properties indicate the rarity of the NFT.

In this example, I showed you an NFT that belongs to Bored Ape Yacht Club, which offers various benefits to members who hold their NFTs. However, it's important to note that there are many other use cases for NFTs beyond this particular example.

NFTs can be used to tokenize music, albums, and concert tickets, which provide new ways for artists to monetize their work and engage with fans.

NFTs can be used to protect and manage intellectual property rights, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

NFTs can be used to create and manage virtual identities, allowing users to own and control their digital personas.

NFTs can be used In gaming to enable the ownership and trading of in-game assets, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade unique virtual items. And many more use cases we will discover as this technology keeps evolving and expanding.
So how you can create your own NFT? it’s easy, and for free.

You can create your own NFT in multiple ways, but in this video you will see how you can do it with Opensea.

Opensea is an NFT marketplace that allows you to trade and create NFTs in many blockchains (Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB, Avalanche, Klytn). 

By creating your own NFT and delving deeper into this technology, you are already ahead of many, considering that NFTs are still relatively new. The future of NFTs is bright and full of potential and they have the ability to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds by tokenizing real-world assets. 

Who knows, maybe in the near future, you will be able to tokenize your car and home and sell them as NFTs.

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