Pravas 01

17 Feb 2023

Meena took the purse from the cupboard to go to the booth on the bridge and call Mandar. She slipped on her shoes and just as she was about to go out, the rain began to fall. An umbrella would have been of no use due to the misty rain and the accompanying gusty wind. 

On the contrary, Meena was sure that the wind would bend the umbrella and she would get wet, so she decided to wait until the rain subsided. Throwing her purse on the cot and taking off her shoes, she sat down on the chair. She was deeply annoyed that recently there were calls from house to house, but she couldn't even imagine picking them up. The neighbor also had a phone. But Meena doesn't want to go and call them every time and they don't want to take money. Moreover, he used to answer calls from outside without fail. She felt all this as thanks. Therefore, she used to make many phone calls from the public phone booth by going to the naka to trouble them. bring There was no urgent call. But without it, she would not have been at peace. Because Mandar had not taken the box of polibhaji while going to the office. And Meena had an idea that her husband, Mandar, could not afford to go out at lunch time and spend twenty-five-thirty rupees to eat something. The main thing is that he had gone today in a fit of anger while going to the office. In such a case, he takes out his anger on food and remains hungry for the whole day. She knew this was his usual habit. Moreover, as overtime is going on in the office, it will be ten-thirty at night for him to come home! So she was going to call and insist him to eat something. Moreover, she was sure that if she called him, his anger would also subside. Lately it had become routine, like something routine. Both of them were not aware that the argument started due to any reason.

 The dispute turned into a quarrel and the matter went to a stalemate. How many times did Meena decide not to fight while leaving Mandar in the morning. But it was the opposite! Because in the daily rush, only one or two in the morning Wires used to get them talking. Whatever time you get while doing your work! Because once Mandar went to office, he used to come home by half past nine to ten. So eat with ginger! If the children are awake, they do not have a little chat, then it is time to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I was in a hurry to go back to the office. What will you say and say in that mess? In addition, the space is small! Five people living in one room kitchen means all the problems! Meena does not even want to talk to Mandar freely in front of her children and mother-in-law. Again, Mandar didn't like to talk about money in front of his own mother. So these things started talking in their absence. Now she had gone on a pilgrimage. So Meena could say whatever came to her mind. That's what happened this morning. Since it was Saturday, the children also went to school in the morning. And the controversy started from the children's school itself. Meena wanted to send both the children to a well-known school. For that, the school was asking for a donation of twenty-twenty five thousand rupees. And the question before Meena was how to fill it. According to Mandar, why should we consider these schools when we cannot afford them? Why is Badejava not Ugi? Look at your bed and spread your legs. Meena took the purse from the cupboard to go to the booth on the bridge and call Mandar. She slipped on her shoes and just as she was about to go out, the rain began to fall. An umbrella would have been of no use due to the misty rain and the accompanying gusty wind. 

On the contrary, Meena was sure that the wind would bend the umbrella and she would get wet, so she decided to wait until the rain subsided. Throwing her purse on the cot and taking off her shoes, she sat down on the chair. She was deeply annoyed that recently there were calls from house to house, but she couldn't even imagine picking them up. The neighbor also had a phone. But Meena doesn't want to go and call them every time and they don't want to take money. Moreover, he used to answer calls from outside without fail. She felt all this as thanks. Therefore, she used to make many phone calls from the public phone booth by going to the naka to trouble them. bring There was no urgent call. But without it, she would not have been at peace. Because Mandar had not taken the box of polibhaji while going to the office. And Meena had an idea that her husband, Mandar, could not afford to go out at lunch time and spend twenty-five-thirty rupees to eat something. The main thing is that he had gone today in a fit of anger while going to the office. In such a case, he takes out his anger on food and remains hungry for the whole day. She knew this was his usual habit. Moreover, as overtime is going on in the office, it will be ten-thirty at night for him to come home! So she was going to call and insist him to eat something. Moreover, she was sure that if she called him, his anger would also subside. Lately it had become routine, like something routine. Both of them were not aware that the argument started due to any reason.

 The dispute turned into a quarrel and the matter went to a stalemate. How many times did Meena decide not to fight while leaving Mandar in the morning. But it was the opposite! Because in the daily rush, only one or two in the morning Wires used to get them talking. Whatever time you get while doing your work! Because once Mandar went to office, he used to come home by half past nine to ten. So eat with ginger! If the children are awake, they do not have a little chat, then it is time to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I was in a hurry to go back to the office. What will you say and say in that mess? In addition, the space is small! Five people living in one room kitchen means all the problems! Meena does not even want to talk to Mandar freely in front of her children and mother-in-law. Again, Mandar didn't like to talk about money in front of his own mother. So these things started talking in their absence. Now she had gone on a pilgrimage. So Meena could say whatever came to her mind. That's what happened this morning. Since it was Saturday, the children also went to school in the morning. And the controversy started from the children's school itself. Meena wanted to send both the children to a well-known school. For that, the school was asking for a donation of twenty-twenty five thousand rupees. And the question before Meena was how to fill it. According to Mandar, why should we consider these schools when we cannot afford them? Why is Badejava not Ugi? Look at your bed and spread your legs. This is what he was telling Meena again and again. But Meena didn't like it at all. She believed that children should be sent to a good school, despite what they might think. So she said to Mandar, "I feel sorry for the fact that you could not think of the children even with such a sum of money coming into your hands at the same time." "So my arias haven't crossed your mind yet. Our rears have left you astray like a man found and lost in a sudden whirlwind!" "Because I can see my son's future before my eyes! If your arrears were used to pay the school donation, the children would have had a better school!" "Then take a loan from your company?" "I have tried that too. But the company that pays thousands and twelve hundred is not ready to give a loan to a temporary worker like me. 
Do you know how my job is? Even after so many years, it is still permanent I haven't done it. That's the only thing to do because you can't get it anywhere else!" "That's why I'm saying if you can't afford to donate, shut up! If they are smart, they will shine anywhere!" "So what was the need to pay twenty thousand to send mothers on a pilgrimage when they could not afford it? I think it is more important to send children to a good school! Don't you want your children to be like you were born? Do you want your children to be born in a one-room kitchen? If we want to add an item in the house, how much we are struggling! Shouldn't we strive so that children should not be like that, they should learn well and come forward, earn good money and improve their living conditions?" "Do not! But for that there is no need to keep an eye on my mother's journey. She had to fulfill her vow. At some point the poor woman had vowed to do the Charidham Yatra. If I don't want to fulfill her wish, someone else will, let's see?" "Oh, but you always say that you want to spread your legs by looking in bed! So is that rule not applicable to everyone in the house? So much for traveling when money is so much needed at home You fulfilled their wish when middle class people like us can't afford to spend money! But what would have happened if they had gone on the pilgrimage after another year or two?" "So you're sure you're going to run out of needs in two years? But the needs of the middle class never end." "I know! On the contrary, they are constantly increasing. 
This is what he was telling Meena again and again. But Meena didn't like it at all. She believed that children should be sent to a good school, despite what they might think. So she said to Mandar, "I feel sorry for the fact that you could not think of the children even with such a sum of money coming into your hands at the same time." "So my arias haven't crossed your mind yet. Our rears have left you astray like a man found and lost in a sudden whirlwind!" "Because I can see my son's future before my eyes! If your arrears were used to pay the school donation, the children would have had a better school!" "Then take a loan from your company?" "I have tried that too. But the company that pays thousands and twelve hundred is not ready to give a loan to a temporary worker like me. 
Do you know how my job is? Even after so many years, it is still permanent I haven't done it. That's the only thing to do because you can't get it anywhere else!" "That's why I'm saying if you can't afford to donate, shut up! If they are smart, they will shine anywhere!" "So what was the need to pay twenty thousand to send mothers on a pilgrimage when they could not afford it? I think it is more important to send children to a good school! Don't you want your children to be like you were born? Do you want your children to be born in a one-room kitchen? If we want to add an item in the house, how much we are struggling! Shouldn't we strive so that children should not be like that, they should learn well and come forward, earn good money and improve their living conditions?" "Do not! But for that there is no need to keep an eye on my mother's journey. She had to fulfill her vow. At some point the poor woman had vowed to do the Charidham Yatra. If I don't want to fulfill her wish, someone else will, let's see?" "Oh, but you always say that you want to spread your legs by looking in bed! So is that rule not applicable to everyone in the house? So much for traveling when money is so much needed at home You fulfilled their wish when middle class people like us can't afford to spend money! But what would have happened if they had gone on the pilgrimage after another year or two?" "So you're sure you're going to run out of needs in two years? But the needs of the middle class never end." "I know! On the contrary, they are constantly increasing. 

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