Suspected Anambra student kills parents, police go hunting for him

23 Sept 2022

According to reports, a student at one of the universities in Anambra State killed his parents and left their bodies in a room.

The incident took place in the state's Nnewi region.

According to reports, the corpses of the deceased were already beginning to decompose when they were found by neighbors who noticed a bad stench coming from their chamber.

The corpses, which were found on Thursday, had plunged the neighborhood into sadness despite the fact that no one could determine the exact time the crime occurred.
Journalists were informed by a source in the area that the boy was the parents' only son.
A manhunt has been started for the offender, according to Tochukwu Ikenga, spokesman for the state police, who confirmed the occurrence.

Ikenga said the tragedy was an instance of man being brutal to man and said the bodies were found with machete wounds.

References (Example), Anambra student kills parents, police hunt suspect (online, 2022)

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