My mfana

6 Mar 2023

In your eyes, I see the stars, In your smile, I feel the sun, In your embrace, I find my home, In your heart, I know I've won.
Your love is like a river, Flowing gently through my soul, I am swept away by its current, And I never want to let go.
You are the air that I breathe, The beating of my heart, You are my one true love, And we will never be apart.
So let us dance beneath the moon, And kiss beneath the stars, For in your arms, I've found my heaven, And I'll love you forevermore.

A love poem for a lady I loved
In your eyes, I find a universe, Where the depth of your soul shines through, And in your smile, I find a solace, That makes everything feel brand new.
Your touch is like a gentle breeze, That caresses my very being, And in your arms, I find a home, A place where I am truly seeing.
With every beat of my heart, I feel your love surround me, A warmth that fills my every part, And sets my spirit free.
In this journey of life, I've found, A love that's pure and true, And with you by my side, my love, I know there's nothing we can't do.
So let's walk hand in hand, my love, Through every twist and turn, For in each other's love, we'll find, A love that forever burns.

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