MarginFI Airdrop — Huge Airdrop is going now!

21 Jan 2024

What is MarginFi?
Created by Edgar Pavlovsky and MacBrennan Peet in 2021, Marginfi is a decentralized lending protocol on Solana.

It emphasises risk management to give traders leverage, a unified account, and create portfolios that promote capital efficiency.

With MarginFi, traders are allowed to get yield on tokens lent out. These tokens are also lent out as security to borrow tokens.

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MarginFi Airdrop
SMC Research
SMC Research


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1 day ago



What is MarginFi?
Created by Edgar Pavlovsky and MacBrennan Peet in 2021, Marginfi is a decentralized lending protocol on Solana.

It emphasises risk management to give traders leverage, a unified account, and create portfolios that promote capital efficiency.

With MarginFi, traders are allowed to get yield on tokens lent out. These tokens are also lent out as security to borrow tokens.

How does MarginFi work?
Marginfi is a permissionless protocol that operates using smart contracts implemented on Solana.

Users communicate directly with these smart contracts to lend or borrow assets.

Users must deposit their assets into the liquidity pools of the protocol in order to lend on Marginfi. The loans that borrowers take out are powered by these pools.

Lenders get interest in exchange for margin points, a brand-new incentive that Marginfi established.

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