Dymension Testnet Guide for a Potential Airdrop

14 Jan 2024

Dymension standardizes rollups with Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), similar to how tokens were standardized with ERC. Since RollApps are a new crypto primitive offering the rollup business model, and that paves the way for the emergence of a true Internet of rollups, I am really interested in joining the Dymension testnet.

Let’s move on to how to do transactions for a potential airdrop.

First, we need to get the “Roll Ape” role on Discord. It seems pointless to do transactions on the platform without this role. Sometimes they unlock this role, so those who don’t have this role should follow the Discord server.

After taking the “Roll Ape” role, we use the Dymension Portal.
We need test tokens. For that, we enter the faucet channel on their Discord and text our wallet address to get $DYM tokens.

!!! Important Notice Before Starting:
The addresses of Keplr and Metamask Wallet should be the same. For that, we need a new Metamask extension in our browser. After copying the recovery phrase of our Keplr, we paste it into Metamask and import Keplr into it. So we can have the same addresses for both wallets. By the way, vice versa can also be done.

Keplr Wallet

What types of transactions can be done?

IBC Bridge:

We click the IBC Bridge button. There are several types of activities to do here.

  1. Keplr as destination
  2. Metamask as destination
  3. Keplr as source
  4. Metamask as source

We can also use different rollapps to increase the diversity of our chain metrics.
By the way, I would like to repeat that the addresses of Keplr and Metamask should be the same as seen in the image above and as I mentioned at the top of the article.
I also use the Leap wallet, into which I imported the Keplr wallet, to increase the number of types of my activities as much as I can.

Similar to taking $DYM tokens from the faucet channel, we can also take test tokens for each rollapp by copying the phrase below the page. As an alternative, we can get them by swapping with $DYM tokens.

Deposit and Withdraw:

We search the rollapp where we want to deposit or withdraw, as seen below.

We can deposit and withdraw different tokens for different rollaps to maximize our chances for a potential airdrop.

Swap and Liquidity

Swap example:

Pool example:

I try to use different pairs here again.


We click “delegate” and enter the amount.

That’s all for now.
Block Traveler HOPP — Link in Bio

Additional Notice

If you want to both support my efforts for my posts and interact with one more different contract on zkSync, Scroll, Polygon zkEVM, Linea, or Base, you can mint the NFTs below.

NFT for a small fee on zkSync Erahttps://horse-traveler.nfts2.me/

NFT for a small fee on Scroll: https://kangaroo-traveler.nfts2.me/

NFT for a small fee on Polygon zkEVMhttps://old-tiger-traveler.nfts2.me/

NFT for a small fee on Linea: https://tiger-traveler.nfts2.me/

NFT for a small fee on Basehttps://lion-traveler.nfts2.me/

Important Notice: This material is not meant to address your specific needs; it is only for your general use and knowledge. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.

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