Milkyway Airdrop

2 Jan 2024

Milkyway Airdrop
MilkyWay is Celestias’s first liquid staking protocol which released on mainnet <2 weeks ago. They have a confirmed token $MILK coming in Q1-Q2 2024. It’s a similar process to swell staking/Eigenlayer and Jito-sol back a few months which really kicked off the solana airdrop season. Basically works by staking $TIA in exchange for $milkTIA. You can then re-stake it onto Osmosis in a liquidity pool

MilkyWay is Celestia's first liquid staking protocol where you can stake your $TIA for MilkyWay's liquid staking token $milkTIA. You can then use $milkTIA to obtain additional yield from other DeFi protocols. Sound familiar?
It's similar to staking $ETH for @swellnetworkio
's $swETH, and then re-staking onto @eigenlayer
(if you haven't staked on Eigenlayer you should!). It's also similar to @jito_sol
, who airdropped a minimum of $10k to early users of their protocol for staking $SOL.
So how do you position yourself for the #airdrop?

First off you'll need a Cosmos wallet such as Leap or Keplr. I use Keplr You'll need to purchase $TIA from an exchange such as Binance. You'll also need a tiny bit of $OSMO for gas (<$1).
Once you have your $TIA, go to to stake your $TIA for $milkTIA. You will then earn MilkyWay APR on the amount of $milkTIA that you own. Remember that this is not the same as staking with a validator, so your $TIA is not locked for a 21 day period.
@osmosiszone is currently the only DeFi Protocol that you can re-stake your $milkTIA on. You can do this by adding liquidity to the $TIA & $milkTIA pool You have the choice between a "Managed" or "Manual" strategy.
I'd suggest "Managed" as you will add liquidity to Osmosis via @QuasarFi
. QuasarFi will soon begin it's 3rd stage of airdrops for users of their "CL Strategy Vaults" - which you will be using. They have a cap of 500k and they're currently at 380k. Two birds with one stone.
If you are unable to use the Managed strategy, use Manual. Be sure to check how much of each token you require before staking all your $TIA. That way you will have enough of each token and avoid unnecessary costs if you have to swap multiple times.
Keep in mind that you do not have to re-stake your $milkTIA into the Osmosis liquidity pool. It is an option if you would like to provide liquidity to the pool, but I would recommend doing so as it may be more beneficial for the airdrop.
Now for the alpha. During the last twitter spaces, the MilkyWay team confirmed that MilkyWay will be a DAO. It will be governed by it's own native token $MILK. Holding $MILK will give you a portion of protocol fees and voting power in the future of MilkyWay
It was also mentioned that it is anticipated that $MILK will launch in Q1 - Q2 2024. Granted that MilkyWay only launched on mainnet <2 weeks ago, you are still extremely early! According to DeFiLama, MilkyWay has a TVL of 5.41m. I expect this will grow over the upcoming months.
Now that MilkyWay V1 has been released, the team also said they hope to undertake a seed round. I suspect that this will occur before $MILK is released, so it is likely to happen within the next 6 months. The amount raised will give us an idea behind the potential airdrop size.
If you want to read more about MilkyWay, check out and Remember, mainnet only launched for 2 weeks so get your $TIA and stake for some $milkTIA! You may get a nice surprise in ~6 months time. #gotmilk

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