Are you Eligible For The $PYTH Airdrop?

20 Jan 2024

Are you Eligible For The $PYTH Airdrop?
4:37 PM・Nov 17, 2023

Exdrop Square 101

Checking Your Pyth Airdrop Allocation and Claim Process

Step 1: Eligibility Review

To embark on your journey of potential PYTH Token rewards through the Pyth Airdrop, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria outlined by the Pyth Network. This includes having interacted with Pyth data on supported blockchains, such as Solana, Aptos, Sui, Cosmos, and the EVM ecosystem. Additionally, eligibility extends to those who have received and held Pyth NFTs from official community activities and individuals with special roles in the official Pyth Discord server.

Step 2: Activity Confirmation

Next, engage in a thorough review of your activities within the Pyth ecosystem. The Pyth Airdrop interface presents a checklist, allowing you to confirm your involvement on various supported blockchains, including Solana, EVM, Aptos, Sui, Injective, Osmosis, Neutron, and Sei. Furthermore, declare your active membership in the Pyth Discord community.

Step 3: Verify Eligibility

With your activities confirmed, it's time to verify your eligibility. Connect your wallets and Discord account based on the selections you made in Step 2. This step is crucial, as it serves to authenticate your participation and determine your qualification for the airdrop.

Step 4: Retrospective Airdrop Details

Dive into the details of the Pyth Network Retrospective Airdrop to grasp the magnitude and scope of this cross-chain program. Over 90,000 wallets stand to be eligible for PYTH Tokens, making it one of the largest airdrop programs in Web3 and DeFi. The airdrop encompasses 27 blockchains and spans over 200 decentralized applications. To check your eligibility and allocated tokens, leverage the airdrop check webpage.

Step 5: Claim Process Updates

Stay informed about the claiming process, as detailed updates are regularly provided through official Pyth Network social channels. As of November 16, 2023, the claim process is set to open on Monday, Nov 20, and will remain accessible to eligible participants until Feb 18, 2024. Keep a close eye on the official communication channels for precise launch timing and claim instructions.

Evaluating Airdrops as Community-Building Tools

Airdrops play a pivotal role in shaping and fostering a vibrant and engaged community within the Pyth Network. Here's an in-depth evaluation:

Inclusivity: The airdrop targets over 90,000 wallets, fostering a broad and diverse community. This inclusivity ensures that a wide range of participants can benefit from the PYTH Token distribution.

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