Wix premium plans: Which plan to pick for your site

8 Apr 2024

Wix Premium Plans Whether you’re starting a business, promoting a brand or any of the other countless reasons to consider how to make a website, you know the first step begins with choosing the right website builder. Different website platforms offer a range of tools, features and templates. If you’re looking for a website builder that can take your online presence forward, Wix offers a variety of premium plans that give you the ultimate value-for-money deal when building a website from scratch. Design a sophisticated website that will meet all your specific needs and support a growing brand. You can also check out these 10 essential Wix tutorials to learn more. To help you make an informed decision, here is a breakdown of the different Wix premium plans on offer: 01. Custom domain name A domain name is your online address. By choosing the right domain name, you can directly impact other areas of your online presence and more importantly, help visitors find your website. Wix (see what is Wix) streamlines the process of brainstorming unique domain name ideas with a domain name generator and helps you select a top-level domain extension to protect your brand. Once you have your custom domain, simply connect your URL to your Wix website. Additionally, the platform’s premium plans offer a free domain for the first year, paired with secure web hosting and free business tools. Domain name 02. Ad-free experience When you create a professional website for the first time, you also want the best deal out there. While free website builders help you build a website immediately, there is a drawback to using a free version: having to host ads on your site. Ads can make your website look unprofessional and lose a user’s interest in your site. That said, you can upgrade your free website plan to a premium one, which will remove Wix ads, among other exclusive website features listed in this article. With an ad-free website, you can give users an experience that’s completely yours. 03. SSL certificate The best SSL certificate providers uphold web security to the highest level. Known as the ‘s’ in https://, SSL certificates keep sensitive data, like IDs, passwords and credit card numbers, private and protected. SSL certificates encrypt the connection between a server and a client, thereby allowing sensitive data to be transmitted securely. That’s why SSL certificates are essential for company websites and other transactional businesses online. Websites built on Wix get a free SSL certificate, ensuring visitors they can trust the site. 04. Increased storage and bandwidth Purchasing a Wix premium plan will significantly increase the amount of storage and bandwidth on your website. When you get generous storage space, you can upload more images, videos, audio and data to your website without having to sacrifice usability and accessibility. For website owners, having more bandwidth means better connectivity. As a result, web pages will load faster on any given browser because bandwidth determines how much data travels on a server at one time. If you’re running an online store or business, you’re going to need extra bandwidth to handle high traffic and multiple daily visitors. Wix premium plan: Bandwidth, from 1 GB to unlimited. Storage space, from 500 MB to 35 GB. 05. Free ad vouchers As someone serious about immediate success, you definitely want to create an advertising plan to help promote it and reach out to your target audience. Premium users may be entitled to Good Ads vouchers worth up to $75. This is a great way to break into the online advertising space with your business or brand. For more information about claiming your Ads voucher, read this article. Free Wix ad vouchers 06. Free app upgrades You may be eligible to receive free app upgrades when purchasing a yearly premium plan. The apps are Site Booster and Visitor Analytics, helping drive more traffic to your website and letting you learn more about your site visitors, respectively. When working in tandem, both Wix Apps will enhance your website marketing efforts. More specifically, Site Booster gets your site ranking higher on search engines and Visitor Analytics gives you advanced visitor insights, stats and performance features, like heatmaps and integrated feedback questionnaires for customers. 07. Professional logo Creating a logo for your website will help you build brand recognition. Wix’s premium plan covers the process of getting a professional logo. The Wix Logo Maker lets you design a completely customizable logo, from the font and color to the size and text, and gets you full commercial rights of your logo. You will also gain access to all file formats for your logo, including high-resolution SVG files for printing brand materials. Available for VIP premium users. Create a logo 08. Premium customer care Customer service is a top company priority. For example, at Wix, there’s a team of customer care experts who understand the product features inside and out, playing a vital role in moving the world of website creation forward. When you purchase a Wix premium plan, you receive additional customer care essentials, including VIP phone support and skipping the customer phone line. Available for VIP premium users. 09. Secure online payments Today, every successful online business needs to provide secure online payment options for its customers. That’s why Wix offers a complete online payment solution, Wix Payments, for all business and eCommerce premium plans. This payment feature lets you select from over 50 payment options worldwide, optimize customer checkout, manage orders, bookings, subscriptions and services, as well as competitive processing fees. Simply fill in your business information and follow this checklist to start getting paid. Available for business premium users.

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