BlastScore Early Access Airdrop is live!

10 Feb 2024

BlastScore (BlastScore Points) Token Distribution.

What is Blast Score?

BlastScore is excited to announce an upcoming Fair Airdrop Distribution (FAD) where participants have the chance to earn exclusive NFT badges and BlastScore points (bXP).
These points reflect user activity and serve as the main criteria for the Airdrop. Don't miss out on this opportunity! BlastScore will be sharing a portion of their Blast Airdrop with users based on their bXP score.

About BlastScore :

BlastScore, also known as Blast L2 Native Reputation Protocol, revolutionizes the reputation infrastructure by continuously analyzing user activities on the blockchain. What sets it apart is the S.C.O.R.E. algorithm, which evaluates a user's involvement across multiple chains and provides a foundation for external projects to engage with new users. This groundbreaking Web3 reputation engine incorporates yield technology from Blast L2, assessing wallets based on TVL, Blast yield, and Blast ecosystem participation.

BlastScore offers a comprehensive scoring system that prioritizes quality over quantity, utilizing a multi-stage S.C.O.R.E. formula. It supports various blockchains to ensure an accurate reflection of user involvement. Based on their S.C.O.R.E., users are granted privileges such as project roles, governance voting rights, and exclusive rewards. Partner projects can set conditions for rewarding users, promoting transparency through publicly available transaction history. As a Reputation Protocol, BlastScore fosters fair, reliable, and user-friendly Web3 engagement, effectively combating sybils and bot-farming. It provides beginners with an accessible tool to assess and compare their crypto activities.

BlastScore is leading the way in implementing Blast technology to revolutionize Web3 reputation and address issues related to Airdrop farming and bot interference.

BlastScore evaluates on-chain metrics, including transactions, Yield-related activities, and past airdrop actions, to ensure fairer and more substantial rewards based on wallet reputation.

And it's all happening on Blast L2, a phenomenon of yesteryear whose TVL is now up to $1.25 billion.

Achieving High Scores: A Guide to Qualifying for the BLAST Ecosystem

Register :
➖ Connect New Wallet
➖ Use the BastScore Faucet to claim test ETH and OG NFT Badge.
➖ Complete BlastScore Quests and check your score on "My Wallet".
➖ Participate in the BlastScore “BLASTED” campaign on Galxe (FCFS).

bXP serves as a core element of the ecosystem and a key Airdrop criterion. Best of Luck!

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