ParallelFi Testnet Airdrop

8 Mar 2024

  1. Use the testnet:
  2. Once you're on the testnet, click on "Apps" to view all of Parallel's apps.
  3. you can view your wallet, lending, airdrop, and more.
  4. On Goerli, head over to the Wallet app to see your ERC-20 and ERC-721 balance.
  5. Click on 'get test tokens' to receive various ERC-20 and ERC-721s to utilize on the testnet.
  6. Once you've received test tokens, head over to the Lending app and supply some tokens.
  7. Once you've supplied some tokens, you can borrow against your collateral.
  8. Next, go to the Parallel app and head to the Airdrop app.
  9. Enter the initial code 'B6C5B' and finish the Airdrop steps.
  10. Once finished, go to My Team to copy your code.
  11. Invite your friends to participate and earn points!
  12. To bridge ETH to Parallel's testnet, you first need Sepolia ETH.
  13. Once you have Sepolia ETH, you can use the testnet bridge:
  14. Find the testnet RPC and other information at:…
  15. Once you have ETH, you can explore the same as Goerli.
  16. Points earned through lending and Diamonds earned through Early Access can be redeemed in the future for Parallel governance tokens.

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