Nois Airdrop

18 Jan 2024

İf you stake inj

Why Merkle trees

We aimed for a merkle randdrop because it is more elegant, cost efficient, safer and not spammy. When doing merkle randdrop you don't send tokens to all wallets, instead users who are interested will come to claim your token. This is good for many reasons:

  • Legals: Companies in certain countries don't have to justify this token that they didn't even want to claim.
  • Gas fees: Users will claim their tokens so the operator doesn't have to spend a big amount to airdrop to all these users
  • performance and efficiency: The computation is done offchain on the browser of the user to calculate the merkle proof, and the contract doens't have to hold the data containing who gets what airdrop, instead the contract only holds the merkle root which is just a small hash.
  • No waste: Tokens that are not claimed can be used for another airdrop to other community users who want it. so you can targer a larger community

Why randdrop not airdrop

  • With randdrop you can target even larger communities without diluting as much the claimed token. because a smaller subset withing a community gets a larger amount.
  • It is more fun when there is the surprise effect.

Go to the site, connect your wallet and roll the dice.

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