WORMHOLE Guide for a Potential Airdrop

5 Jan 2024

I’ve used dApps in the LayerZero ecosystem a lot for the airdrop that the crypto community has looked forward to so far. When I need to bridge tokens between different chains, if possible I will also try to use some dApps in the Wormhole ecosystem for a potential airdrop.

Important projects and applications use Wormhole:

Portal Bridge

It is the main app for Wormhole. We can connect several different wallets to bridge tokens between a lot of chains.

For more alternatives to chains and routes, we can click the Advanced Tools button and access the page.

Portal Bridge Advanced Tools

There are some other dApps other than the main bridge in the ecosystem. Please do your own research before deciding to interact with the platforms.

Applications other than Portal Bridge:

Mayan Finance
We can follow the Wormhole Ecosystem for more dApps to interact with as they begin to be adopted and used in the ecosystem.

Wormhole Explorer

We can explore our own activities and the network statistics on the explorer.

Wormhole Scan
We can also track our metrics for Wormhole on zkCodex, a useful tool I use.

That’s all for now.
Block Traveler HOPP — Link in Bio

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If you want to both support my efforts for my posts and interact with one more different contract on zkSync, you can mint the NFT below.
NFT for a small fee on zkSync Era: https://horse-traveler.nfts2.me/

Important Notice: This material is not meant to address your specific needs; it is only for your general use and knowledge. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.

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