
7 Feb 2024

Ever curious what airdrop is? What exactly is AIRDROP? As far as we know in a real life situation, an airdrop is a dropping of supplies with the use of parachutes from an aircraft. The airdrop that we know is not much different from the airdrop of cryptocurrency because their purpose is the same, to drop something. An airdrop in cryptocurrency is the distribution of tokens to a few token holders by doing a simple task. Why is there an AIRDROP? Sometimes you wonder if an airdrop is legit or a scam because why are they giving away the tokens? why is there an airdrop? Just a simple answer, because if you think about it, it's a way to show users how high the value of their tokens is and to increase the token identification rate, because then more investors will be attracted to their token. Is AIRDROP worth paying attention to? Depends, Why? Because there are times when you will experience fake airdrops, sometimes there are airdrops that are legit and very profitable. That's up to you if you really persevere to find an airdrop with a large token value. But there is nothing wrong and nothing to lose if you try so go! You will know right away if it's just an airdrop or if it's legit through experience. How to join AIRDROP? There is a task to be done to give you an airdrop. It's just a simple task like subscribing to their social media accounts (usually twitter and telegram), register in the forms where you enter your wallet address (Often ETH Address -MyEtherWallet), referrals, register in the beta of their platform and something else. Then they will send the token to your wallet when the airdrop distribution starts.

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