Pryzm Network Guide for a Potential Airdrop

20 Feb 2024

Pryzm is a Layer-1 blockchain developed on Cosmos.
To maximize our chances for a potential Pryzm airdrop, we can do two different types of activities: the public testnet and stake some tokens.

1. Testnet Activities

Important notice before starting: As we know, these transactions are not on the mainnet, where we pay a fee. We take our time on the testnet and try to get a potential airdrop. So please always do your own research as well.
I prefer to use the Keplr wallet to do testnet transactions, but another Cosmos-based wallet can also be used.

  • We click “Manage Chain Visibility” in Keplr wallet settings, then we add Pryzm Testnet. Anyone who struggles with it can take a look at the Pryzm’s testnet guide.
  • We can get testnet tokens from
  • It would be good if we try to use every tab in the menu where we can do transactions: delegate, provide liquidity, swap, liquidity staking (bond), pulse trade, flow trade, participate in governance, etc.

Zealy quests are also available.

2. Staking

For now, especially in the Cosmos ecosystem, staking seems like an important criterion for airdrop events.
Atom, Inj, Osmo, Tia, and Dym tokens can be staked for a potential Pryzm airdrop. It may be useful if we select Pryzm validators on these tokens’ chains.
Please make your own decision about staking and the amount of it.
That's all for now.


Additional Notice

If you want to both support my efforts for medium posts and interact with one more different contract on Scroll, zkSync, Linea, Base, or Polygon zkEVM, you can mint the NFTs below.
NFT for a small fee on Scroll:
NFT for a small fee on zkSync Era:
NFT for a small fee on Linea:
NFT for a small fee on Polygon zkEVM:
NFT for a small fee on Base:

For more, you can take a look at Block Traveler HOPP — Link in Bio.

Important Notice: This material is not meant to address your specific needs; it is only for your general use and knowledge. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.

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