How to design a logo from start to finish (complete guide)

16 Mar 2024

A rite of passage for anyone starting their own business, creating a logo is an essential ingredient for effective branding, building recognition and dominating the market in any industry.

When you embark on your own logo design process, you’ve got to do it right. It’s an undertaking that takes time, thought, creativity and collaboration—and it’s 100% worth it. Contrary to what you might believe, you don’t need a large budget to hire a graphic designer or even a design background to make a quality logo—you can use a free logo maker.

What is a logo?

A logo is a branded design that functions as a symbol for a particular business, representing the essence of its purpose and personality. Just like the ubiquitous Nike swoosh or McDonald’s golden arches, your logo will become the face of your brand, acting as an identifying factor that audiences will recognize over time and ultimately associate with trust in your services, content or products.

Logos come in different forms, running the gamut from text-based to image-based and everything in between. Once complete, it is stamped across a business’s marketing assets, such as its website, business cards and packaging materials.

How to design a logo

When you craft a logo of your own, start by finding the best logo maker to assist you. The Wix Logo Maker makes it possible to create a logo the way you want and customize the details of your design in a streamlined fashion.

Of course, you can always hire a graphic designer, but that can be a pricey endeavor that you may not have the resources for just yet. For a full explanation of price options, you can read more about logo design costs. Whatever option you choose, the following steps will ensure a smooth and satisfying logo building process:

  1. Define your brand identity
  2. Seek inspiration
  3. Determine logo style
  4. Choose a type
  5. Decide on a color scheme
  6. Pick a font
  7. Outline a logo shape
  8. Create a logo
  9. Refine the results
  10. Make a final decision
  11. Put your logo to work

01. Define your brand identity

As crucial as your logo is to your business, it’s not the entire picture. Your brand consists of many components apart from this: a website, written content and marketing materials—just to name a few. All of these parts have one goal in common: they form a complete brand identity in order to successfully represent and market your business.

In essence, a brand identity is the distinct voice and visual appearance of your brand used to convey its mission with the rest of the world. You might say your brand identity is the soul of your business, and as such it needs to be reflected through its visual and written elements.

02. Seek inspiration

Inspiration comes in two ways—from outside and from within. So, we’re going to break this step into two.

First, explore the logo-verse around you. Pay attention to the best logos you come across on a daily basis, and be proactive by conducting online research. You can discover relevant logo trends and find interesting logo ideas by browsing different design blogs or the Pinterest boards and Behance or Dribbble accounts of established designers.

Here are some brainstorming questions to get the ball rolling:

  • What adjectives describe my brand?
  • Who is my ideal customer?
  • What colors represent my brand values and message?
  • What symbols or characters could I use in my design?
  • What are some of my personal favorite logos, and why?

These creative moments with yourself and your team are important for honing in on the message and purpose of your brand. Also, consider gathering your colleagues and friends to help get a well-rounded perspective.

03. Determine logo style

The combination of elements within any given logo come together to form a cohesive style. And by now, you might notice that—just like fine art—there are a variety of aesthetic styles a logo can embody.

Whatever style you decide on, determining this before starting the actual creation process will help you be on the lookout for elements that can bring it into fruition.

04. Choose a type

When you think about how to design a logo, keep in mind that there are different types of logos out there. From plain text to the inclusion of symbols or a lone image—the various forms that logos take on should be considered before you design your masterpiece. Each of them will shift the outcome of your design, so think about which is the best fit with your brand identity and the audiences who will see it.

Here we’ll outline some of the different types of logos for you to consider, for a more in-depth explanation you can read up on types of logos:


A wordmark consists of only letters displayed in a specific typeface. This kind of logo would include the name of your brand and can be great if you already have a catchy brand name.


Similar to a wordmark, a letterform (or monogram) logo design will be typography based. However, monograms will include only your business’s initials.

Logo symbol

Also known as brand marks or pictorial marks, logo symbols use a single icon to represent your brand (sans text). Brand marks done right have the potential to go viral, but keep in mind that it’s a challenge to achieve recognizability at first without including your business name.

Abstract logo

Straying from pictorial representation, an abstract logo makes use of geometric shapes to fashion an image that is truly unique. Over time, this arbitrary symbol will become interchangeable with your brand.

Apart from being one-of-a-kind, an abstract logo will open the doors for global companies, whose audience won’t have to worry about catching localized references or reading text in their non-native language.


An emblem logo represents a more classic style, and is usually designed to include badges, seals or crests with a text inside. While it embodies a traditional air, emblem logos have been successfully modernized and used in branding throughout the end of the 20th century until now.


As the name implies, a combination logo will include both text and imagery. This can mean a lettermark with a mascot, a wordmark with a logo symbol or abstract design or any combination in between. For beginners, a combination mark is a resourceful place to start, since imagery and text will work together to bolster your brand’s recognizability.


A dynamic logo is one that is adaptable and has the flexibility to change its color, shape and text, depending on the context. Unlike static logos, dynamic logos are always changing. For example, a logo version that is printed compared to an online version may vary. Think of how Google’s logo constantly changes to reflect current events and holidays. Similarly, the iconic MTV logo that has many iterations highlighting pop culture, cultural changes and trends is a prime example of a dynamic logo that embodies its brand values.

05. Decide on a color scheme

Colors hold an enormous power in their own right. Color psychology tells us that different hues and tones can elicit emotion from audiences, impacting their behavior. The intent when choosing a logo color scheme for your design serves two purposes: first, to get the reaction you want out of your customers and second, to enhance your brand’s recognizability.

Web colors are digital representations of a variety of colors used to create websites and other digital design projects. These colors can be used to convey a range of messages, from energy and enthusiasm to sophistication and trustworthiness. Web colors are typically defined as one of 16 million hues, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink.

Black and white logos

Black and white logos are often seen as the most timeless and sophisticated. When designing a logo in black and white, it is important to consider the typeface, shape, and other design elements carefully.

Red logos

Red logos, when designed correctly, can be bold statements that stand out and make a lasting impression. Red is often seen as a powerful and eye-catching color that conveys strength, love and passion. Famous red logos include Netflix, Adobe and CNN.

Blue logos

Blue logos can be an excellent choice for a variety of design projects. Blue is often seen as a calming, cool color which can evoke feelings of trust and loyalty. It is also associated with intelligence and professionalism, making it an ideal choice for business or corporate logos. Some striking examples of the use of blue in designing a logo, include Pepsi, Phillips and Procter and Gamble.

Green logos

Green logos can be an excellent choice for a variety of design projects. Green represents nature, growth, and harmony, making it a great color for environmental-friendly brands. As a cool, calm yet vibrant color, green can evoke feelings of balance, creativity, and renewal. It is often associated with health and wellness, as well as natural products. Starbucks, Shopify and Sprite are some of the most well-known green logos.

Orange logos

Orange logos are vibrant and eye-catching, often used for brands that want to make a bold statement. Orange is associated with energy, enthusiasm, and optimism, making it an ideal color choice for businesses looking to project a sense of confidence and growth. It can be used to create designs that are both playful and sophisticated. Famous brands using orange in their logos include MasterCard, Nickelodeon and Amazon.

Pink logos

Pink logos can be an excellent choice for a variety of design projects. Pink is often seen as a playful, lighthearted color which conveys warmth, femininity, and romance. It is also associated with youthfulness, creativity, and energy. As such, pink logos can be used to create designs that are both modern and inviting. Some of our favorite pink logos include Barbie and Pepto Bismol.

Purple logos

Purple logos can be an excellent choice for a variety of design projects. Purple has long been associated with royalty, luxury and sophistication. It is also seen as a color that sparks creativity and imagination, making it a great choice for brands looking to create designs that are both elegant and whimsical. Some of the most iconic purple logos include Cadbury, Hallmark and Yahoo.

Yellow logos

Yellow logos are among the most recognizable colors in the world. It is often associated with positivity, happiness and warmth, making it an ideal choice for brands looking to convey a sense of optimism. Yellow is also linked with intelligence and clarity, making it a great color choice for educational or informational logos. Some popular yellow logo examples include McDonald's, Shell and Best Buy.

Gray logos

Gray logos are a popular choice for designs that seek to convey a feeling of sophistication, modernity, and professionalism. With its neutral tone, gray is seen as a timeless color that can be used to create designs that are both classic and contemporary.

06. Pick a font

If you plan to design a wordmark, lettermark or a combination, you’ll need to contemplate what are the best fonts for your logo. Similar to your choice of color, your choice of typography should amplify your logo’s personality and visibility. While there are endless varieties of fonts out there, you can start by ruling in or out some basic typeface families: serif, sans-serif, script or highly stylized typefaces.

07. Outline a logo shape

As your logo comes together, consider which shapes you’ll integrate into your design. Logo shapes can be used in a variety of ways, from the entire composition to small details within the overall design. Shapes play a major role in perception and making logos instantly recognizable.
Understanding logo psychology and the impact shapes can have on emotions will empower you to design a purposeful logo that delivers your brand message authentically.

Geometric shapes in more detail

Squares are one of the most popular shapes used in logo design. They are versatile and can be used to create a variety of effects, from bold and impactful to modern and minimalistic. Squares can also be used in combination with other shapes, text, and colors to create an eye-catching design.

Important logo shape concepts

  • Visual hierarchy is an important aspect of logo design, as it helps to guide viewers to the most important elements first. It dictates how information is presented and how it should be read. Making sure that visual hierarchy is used effectively in a logo design is key to creating a design that stands out and communicates the desired message.

08. Create a logo

Do it yourself (DIY) logo design can be a great way to create an effective logo without the need for expensive professional services. By understanding how design elements such as color, font emphasis, kerning, shapes and silhouettes work together, anyone with access to a logo maker, can create a stunning logo that is sure to draw attention and stand out from the competition.

Pro tip: It's recommended to produce a few finished logos and different variations that you like before finalizing your decision. This should include black, white and monochromatic versions of your logo design.

09. Refine the results

Perhaps you’ll nail your logo design in one shot—but it’s more likely that you’ll want to go back to the options generated by the logo maker or graphic designer to further refine and customize your results.

This is the stage when you’ll edit and polish your logo options. Use the tools available to fine-tune your size, layout, colors, font, shape, style and imagery until you get the results you want.

Professional-grade graphic design software plays a significant role in allowing users to refine their logos. It means users can manipulate images, create detailed designs and logos, and even animate designs with ease, so use them to your advantage. Leading examples of this kind of editing software include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and FontShop International.

10. Make a final decision

Now that you have logo options you’re happy with, it’s time to make a final decision on your design.

If you’re active on social media, you can get even more feedback by surveying your audience (or for things like church logos, you can ask members of the church). Try posting options onto your feed and asking followers to vote on the results. Not only is this a great way to see how the public reacts, it’s a smart marketing tactic that will definitely build brand awareness around your new visual identity.

Peer review is also an important part of the logo design review process as it allows designers, or anyone who has created a logo, to get feedback from others on how their designs can be improved. This can help ensure that the final logo design meets specifications, looks professional and communicates the desired message for the target or intended market.

A peer review should include feedback on how different elements such as color, font emphasis, kerning, shapes and silhouettes work together. It should also include asking how the logo makes the reviewer feel. Although it’s your logo and you have the final say, it’s a good idea to present your designs to trusted colleagues, friends or family to see their reaction. Collecting several different opinions is important.

Once you’ve got all this feedback, you can take it or leave it. Just keep in mind that some of these individuals may represent your ideal audience, so it will be interesting (not to mention valuable) to hear their comments before you make a consensus.

Last but not least, weigh in on your results and choose the logo design that both speaks to your audience and satisfies your company vision. This is when it’s time to confirm that it matches your brand style guide as well. Don’t settle for anything less than the logo of your dreams.

11. Put your logo to work

You’ve got a logo you love—now it’s time to put it to work. Start by downloading high quality image files of your logo. PNG and JPG files will work well on your website and social media platforms. A vector file (SVG or PDF) will allow for more scalability—ensuring the quality of your logo’s image at any size and across printed materials. You can read our thorough guide to logo sizes for more in-depth information.

Once your logo files are downloaded, it’s time to stamp it on all of your brand’s marketing assets. This includes your website, business cards, packing material and anything else you want to be branded. If your logo is complex for some of these locations, you can create a simpler variable logo to go along with it. This is especially helpful for your website's favicon or a YouTube logo, or for packaging where logo real estate is smaller.

Finally, include your logo and specifications for future use in your brand style guide. This will ensure that your business’s appearance remains consistent as it continues to grow and evolve.

What makes a good logo

While most aspects of your logo design will unfold throughout the creation process, there are definitely some essential logo design tips to keep in mind from the start. So, before you become your own graphic designer, take note of these top tips that make for a good logo:

  • Simplicity: The phrase “less is more” has never been more fitting. In most cases, the least complicated logos are the easiest to recognize, so try to design a logo with a simple message that’s easy for people to connect with.
  • Representative: Your logo should appeal to your target audience and portray your business values. Make sure that the elements you use in your design are relevant to your industry and accurately represent your brand.
  • Timeless: You may want to spruce up your logo design over time, but you should aim to design this logo as if it were your last. By focusing on quality and avoiding designs that are too trendy, you’ll create a logo that will stick with you throughout the years. You can always explore trends, and take a look ahead at the future of logos to keep a pulse on what is relevant, while maintaining a timeless design.
  • Versatile: You’ll want a design that looks good no matter where it’s placed. A logo that can be resized and displayed on different media from the start will increase your brand’s visibility and avoid inconvenient limitations.

In addition to these qualities, your logo design process should also be developed with the following ideas in mind:

  • Fluidity is an important concept to consider when designing a logo. It refers to how elements of the design flow together, creating a cohesive and harmonious look. A logo that has fluidity will look aesthetically pleasing, as the components work together in harmony to create an appealing design.
  • Signage is an important tool for businesses looking to promote their brand and another important concept to keep in mind when designing a logo. Signage can be used to advertise products and services, create way-finding cues, and even draw attention to a business's unique aesthetic. When designing signage, it is important to take into account how the design will be seen from a distance, how it will be viewed in various lighting conditions, and how the colors and fonts will interact with each other. Signage should also be designed to stand out from the crowd and make an impact on viewers.
  • Innuendo can be an effective tool when it comes to logo design as it allows designers to hint at a deeper message or meaning without explicitly stating it. This subtlety can draw attention to the logo, allow for deeper contemplation and encourage people to think about how it ties into the company's brand. By using innuendo in logos, designers can evoke a greater emotional connection with customers and create a memorable design that stands out from the competition.
  • Readability is an important factor when it comes to choosing logo fonts. When creating a logo, designers should take into account how easily the design can be read and how quickly viewers can process the information. A logo should be designed in such a way that it is legible and easy to understand at a glance.
  • Font weight refers to how thick or thin a font is and how bold its characters are. Different font weights can be used to make text stand out or blend in with the background, depending on the desired effect. For example, a bold font weight can be used for the main text to draw attention to it, while a lighter font weight can be used for smaller details.
  • Kerning is used to adjust the space between individual characters to create a more aesthetically pleasing look. By applying kerning, designers can make sure that text looks uniform and balanced. It also helps create better readability by ensuring that characters don’t appear too close together or too far apart.

Graphic design and logo creation are essential parts of designing a logo. A well-designed logo should be eye-catching, memorable and communicate the desired message through the use of shapes, colors and fonts.

How to trademark your logo

Once you've created your logo, you might want to consider trademarking it. With trademark protection you can secure the exclusive rights to use your logo and prevent it from being used by someone else.

When it comes to trademarking a logo in the US, you'll need to work through the following steps, you can also use a trademark attorney to guide you through the process:

  • Conduct a trademark search, to make sure your logo design isn't already registered by someone else in use by another business. You can do that here.
  • File a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You can do this online using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
  • Provide all necessary information about your logo. This will include a description of it, including specific words or slogans used in it, as well as is specific colors and designs.
  • Submit the application fee. Prices start from US$250 per class as of 2023. The prices will vary depending on your filing basis, the number of classes the logo is registered under and other factors.
  • Wait for your application to be reviewed. This may take several months.
  • Respond to any office actions the USPTO sends you. If they have any questions or concerns related to your application, they'll send you one of these. You'll then be expected to respond to their questions within a reasonable time frame.
  • Accept your trademark registration once it's approved. As part of this you'll receive a registration certificate from the USPTO. Your trademark will then be valid for ten years, and it can be renewed as long as you're still using it as part of your business operations and branding.

You might also want to consider copyrighting your logo. In the United States, copyright protection for a logo is automatic once its created, but you can register your logo with the U.S. Copyright Office to obtain additional legal protection.

Best practices for logo design

Creating an effective logo requires careful consideration of design principles and brand identity. Here are some best practices to follow when designing a logo:

  • Simplicity: A simple logo is easier to recognize, remember and reproduce across different mediums. Avoid overly complex designs or excessive details that can clutter the logo and make it difficult to scale.
  • Memorability: A good logo should be distinctive and leave a lasting impression. It should have a unique element or visual hook that sets it apart from competitors and makes it easily identifiable.
  • Relevance: The logo should align with your brand's personality, values and target audience. Consider the message you want to convey and choose design elements that resonate with your brand's essence.
  • Versatility: The logo should be adaptable to various applications, from website headers to business cards to merchandise. Ensure it maintains its integrity and legibility across different sizes and mediums.
  • Timelessness: Avoid trendy or faddish designs that may quickly become outdated. Aim for a logo that has a classic and enduring appeal, with a timeless quality that can represent your brand for years to come.
  • Appropriateness: The logo should be appropriate for your industry and target audience. Consider the cultural context and avoid using imagery or symbols that could be misinterpreted or offensive.
  • Color choice: Colors evoke emotions and can influence brand perception. Choose from logo color ideas that align with your brand's personality and target audience. Consider color psychology and the cultural associations of different colors.
  • Typography: The typeface you choose should be legible, visually appealing and appropriate for your brand's tone. Consider the overall style of your logo and choose a font that complements the design.
  • Scalability: The logo should be scalable to different sizes without losing its clarity or impact. Ensure it looks good when enlarged or reduced, from a website icon to a billboard advertisement.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from colleagues, potential customers or design professionals to refine your logo. Iterate on the design based on feedback and make adjustments to improve its effectiveness.

Best logo design tools

Before you start designing your logo, it's important to have the right tools. Here are a few essentials:
Pencil and paper: Sketching out some preliminary ideas is a great way to get started. Don't worry about making perfect drawings - just get your ideas down on paper.
Vector graphic design software: Vector graphics software is crucial for creating logos that can be scaled to any size without losing quality. Wix Logo Maker uses vector graphic design software, which means that the logos you create are scalable to any size without losing quality. This is important because it means that you can use your logo on a variety of different mediums, from business cards to billboards, without having to worry about it looking pixelated or blurry. Fonts: The right font can make a big difference in the look and feel of your logo. There are many great free fonts available online. Wix offers a variety of free fonts that you can use to customize your logo. These fonts are available in a variety of styles, including sans serif, serif, script and decorative fonts. You can also upload your own fonts if you have a specific font in mind.
Free logo design tools: If you're short on time or money, there are many free online logo design tools available. These tools typically offer customizable templates that can help you create a professional-looking logo in minutes. However, it's important to note that you may have to purchase the final vector file if you want to use your logo for professional purposes.

Top online logo design tools:

Wix Logo Maker: Wix Logo Maker is an AI-powered platform that enables businesses and individuals to create professional logos in a matter of minutes, without any prior design experience. It offers a user-friendly interface, a vast library of templates and a range of customization options to cater to diverse branding needs.

VistaPrint: VistaPrint is a popular online printing company that also offers a logo design tool. VistaPrint's logo design tool is easy to use and offers a variety of templates to choose from. Yellow Pages Canada: Yellow Pages Canada is a Canadian online directory that also offers a logo design tool. It offers a simple drag-and-drop interface, a vast selection of customizable templates and a range of design elements to cater to diverse branding needs. No matter which tool you choose, make sure you experiment with different designs and get feedback from others before you finalize your logo.

How to design a logo with AI

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to design a logo with AI:

1. Choose an AI logo generator.
2. Enter your business name and industry.
3. Select a logo style.
4. Choose a color palette.
5. Add a symbol or icon.
6. Review and edit your logo.
7. Download your logo.

Here are some additional tips for designing a logo with AI:

  • Be specific in your instructions. The more specific you are in your instructions, the better the AI generator will be able to understand your needs and create a logo that you love.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment. The AI generator will create a variety of different logo options for you. Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles, colors and fonts until you find a logo that you love.
  • Get feedback from others. Once you have created a few different logo options, get feedback from others to see which one they like best.
  • Use your logo consistently. Once you have chosen a logo, be sure to use it consistently across all of your marketing materials. This will help to create a strong and recognizable brand identity.

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