SAGA Airdrop Eligibility and Community Rewarding Program

15 Jan 2024

Introduction to Saga’s Airdrop Season

As 2024 unfolds, Saga is excited to announce the eligibility criteria for its broader community airdrop, following the successful Saga Advent campaign. This initiative marks a significant milestone in engaging and rewarding the Saga community as the Saga Mainnet approaches.

Valuing Loyalty in the Saga Ecosystem:

  • Airdrop Philosophy: The $SAGA token symbolizes community membership and shared values, with the airdrop reinforcing these principles.
  • Loyalty Focus: Rewarding active engagement and long-term commitment in the crypto community, particularly through bear market conditions.
  • Partnership Recognition: Special acknowledgment of Saga’s partnerships with CelestiaPolygon, and Avalanche, plus the Cosmos community using the Cosmos SDK.

Airdrop Eligibility and Methodology:

  1. ATOM Community:
    • Eligibility: 101,000+ wallets that increased ATOM stakes between 04/20/2023 and 10/20/2023, with a minimum of 25 $ATOM staked on 10/20/2023.
    • Loyalty Bonus: Additional rewards for stakeholders who increased their stake by more than 30%.
  2. Celestia Community:
    • Eligibility: 27,000+ wallets staking over 23 $TIA as of 12/01/2023.
    • Loyalty Bonus: Rewards for increased stake from 11/07/2023 to 12/01/2023.
  3. Polygon Community:
    • Eligibility: 26,000+ wallets staking more than 300 $MATIC or bridging over 0.4 $ETH using the ZKEVM bridge as of 10/20/2023.
    • Loyalty Bonus: Additional airdrop for increased stake between 04/20/2023 and 10/20/2023.
  4. Avalanche Community:
    • Eligibility: 26,000+ wallets staking $AVAX on 04/20/2023 or 10/20/2023.
    • Loyalty Bonus: Additional airdrop for staking duration greater than 150 days.
  • Airdrop Tiers: Small, medium, and large airdrops, with each higher tier receiving 5x the airdrop of the previous tier. A 4x bonus multiplier for exceptional loyalty within these communities.

Saga Play-to-Airdrop Season 2: The Three Kingdoms:

  • Upcoming Campaign: Celebrating partnerships with Avalanche, Polygon, and Solana through tournaments in various games.
  • Airdrop Incentives: Leaderboard participants in these tournaments will be eligible for $SAGA airdrops.

Saga Developer Tournaments:

  • Inclusion of Developers: Tournaments on Pegasus Testnet for individual developers and project explorers.
  • Stress-Testing: Aimed at assessing and improving the network’s capabilities.

Conclusion and Claims Process:

  • Snapshot Validation: Ensures that only dedicated community members are rewarded.
  • Claiming Procedure: Eligible recipients must claim their airdrop manually. The claiming process will start once the claims page goes live.

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