Dop testnet airdrop

27 Dec 2023

Data Ownership Protocol (DOP) is revolutionizing blockchain privacy on Ethereum, using zk-SNARKs and ECDSA cryptography to enable users to selectively disclose specific data types, such as asset holdings, transaction patterns, and account balances.
Echoing Vitalik Buterin's vision, DOP tackles the longstanding issues, incorporating Zero-knowledge KYC, and granting users unprecedented control over their digital footprint while upholding transparency where needed.

  1. Visit the Data owner ship protocol
  2. Submit your email and click on “Continue”.
  3. Now click on “Create wallet” and create a DOP wallet.
  4. Submit a password and then save your recovery phrase.
  5. Now log in with your password and connect your Metamask wallet.
  6. Connect your Twitter account and follow them on Twitter.
  7. Now claim Sepolia ETH, claim testnet DOP tokens and claim testnet tokens.
  8. Now, encrypt some tokens, send the encrypted tokens and also decrypt some tokens.
  9. By now, you would’ve finished all seven steps.
  10. After completing all the steps, you will get a referral link and can refer your friends to get 20% of their rewards.
  11. Participants who complete all steps will receive DOP rewards once the token launches in Q1 2024.


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